Mech Rogue...Mech Rogue...Mech Rogue....Games Dead

This game seems to be dead. Same bots over and over and you can look at the posts on the forum. This game is done for.
They catered to the loud minority and in the end, it was this game’s undoing. Not only did they lose a lot of the quiet majority but those loud people still ended up leaving.

  1. It’s a crap deck concept.

shuffle DK goes well vs them

No, it doesn’t xD

But assuming early board control against them always works, and DK can do it more reliably, at least in your rank

to my memory of how it worked before, diamond was always way more sweaty than legend. So, I’m not sure why you consider my rank.
Although it wasn’t diamond, it was last 5 ranks climbing to legend

I’m in the same boat with mech rogue. At diamond 5, not only am I inundated with Hearthstone mech bots, but the ‘illegal’ bots seem to find it preferable as well. Yesterday I played 2 hours and all but one game was mech bots, one hour today and I’ve only played against mech bots again.

I’m not sure if this is my last season or not, but I can guarantee I’m not purchasing the new track.

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i reach diamond and between 5 and 3 i have played against 20 rogues, 2 dks and 1 mage. All rogues are named qwererqer or ColorAnimal. all of them played mech. At the end i just did a deck against rogue mech and have 80% winrate until a reach legend. I think i played against 2 or maybe 3 human players so far.

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Just returned to HS and I am currently D8, and I came to the forums to see if anyone else had noticed the ridiculous amount of Mech Rogues on the ladder right now all with bot names. Funny enough, it was the first thread I saw.

Also, Mech Rogue is insanely strong and unfun to play against. I wish I was running into more classes besides just Rogue.


This game is dead. Move on.

I’ve been noticing a large influx of mech rogues too. My new Dragon Priest deck eats them for breakfast, but the satisfaction is immensely dulled after finding out that they are saltless bots…

Who is the vocal minority that you are referring to and how does it relate to this bot infestation?

Now all the netdeckers get to feel what the homebrewers feel every day.

Me too, I’ve played around 20 games in a row only against Mech Rogue bots… makes me wanna quit the game

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I just played like 6 in a row. Playing against one right now.
Either it is the most popular build and that is all they hve to put you up against or most the players are actually mech bots.
They might be bots because the AI that curates the cards is actually letting me beat them all by giving me the right cards instead of witholding.
I have been getting the exact card I need in every situation to come out on top.