Matchmaking does NOT seem Random to me (with explanation)

I’m worry about you.

If you truly believe what you say, that the game is rigged and manipulate its player base, why are you still playing the game, why are you still posting about it, why are you still thinking about it.

Addiction is a real physiological phenomena, you should consider forcing yourself to step back from the game. You’re digging yourself into a rabbit hole, religiously playing a game you hate. That’s unhealthy.

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I don’t play this trash anymore. I just want to help people to see the truth. :slightly_smiling_face:

There are so many frustrated and addicted players who seriously believe this game would be “random”. That’s really unhealthy.


glad to hear, but i fear you are still in a bad place.
It is not your responsibility to “warn people” or as you said it “help people to see the truth”.

I am afraid you are projecting you own insecurity, and rather than moving on, you are fostering an unhealthy vindicative sentiment toward a game, or a company.

I would be best for you to move on, focus on yourself. Other may figure out what you did figure out on their own, or have entirely different opinion, but you should not encumber yourself with some sort of a righteous mission.

Live and let live.


I fear you are in a bad place.
It is not your responsibility to tell me what to do. Live and let live. :wink:

And frankly, I’m not surprised that your post was already liked by 2 well known forum clowns. Or do you have maybe multiple accounts to support your own posts? It would be very unhealthy.


Picking fight on an anonymous forum, aside from being pointless, is not helpful, or healthy. I would suggest, do it what you will, to take a step back from the forum, and possibly any social media, and reengage with people in your life.
Like i said, this is an anonymous forum, what you and i say or do on these forum ultimately matters none.
But hey, you are responsible of your life. I wish you the best.

I agree.

Picking fight on an anonymous forum, aside from being pointless, is not helpful, or healthy. This is an anonymous forum, what you say or do on these forum ultimately matters none.

I’ll keep doing what I want and I really don’t need your advice what to do.

I wish you the best too.


I’ve never understood the assumption that pissing off your players is axiomatically profitable.


Go home man, your not needed here. Your the Fox News of this forum, all lies and propaganda. Just leave and stop commenting on every post when nobody wants it. Your a troll, and everyone knows man.


Russian mass-media are rigged :sweat_smile: not Hearthstone.
To really believe that the game is rigged is for fanatics.
Believe me, no one outside of yourselves gives a sh*t about your wins/losses :smile:

Taking the “moralistic” approach against the “lunatic” - usual.
This theater you guys are playing out has been repeated ad nauseam on this site, with the same characters on Blizzard’s side. They parrot the same buzzwords and keywords from their corporate dictionary, attempting to feign emotion while lacking genuine concern. No, you don’t genuinely care, and neither does he care enough to warrant your faux worry.

You’re simply employing an adult-child dynamic to belittle his argument while pretending to be concerned. Without tangible evidence, anyone can speculate to extremes without needing your intervention to save them from themselves. You, Blizzard loyalists, are becoming tiresome. I label you as such because if you’re not actually employed by Blizzard, you’re willingly allowing yourselves to be manipulated sheep.

Coming to Blizzard’s defense without cause. Who do you even work for that necessitates this pretense of character? You all fail to grasp that everyone here is ultimately on the same side, and the opposing side is Blizzard. Stop deluding yourselves with fantasies of recognition from your artificial authority figures.


No. The burden of proof is on those who are making the claim. Blizzard has made it clear how their matchmaking system works. Not with formulas or specific programming reveals, but in terms of the general approach, i.e. you are matched by MMR and Rank. That’s where this debate begins. If a person wishes to make the claim that there is some other factor involved, that person needs to present evidence to support their claim. Present your findings of a controlled experiment with a statistically relevant sample size in order to convince us. That is where the burden lies.



The game lets you know those cards in the shop work really well.

People buy them cause they work so well…

Then after sales decline they nerf.

See DH in standard atm.

Cool, thats great they made the claim now they can prove it.

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You are demanding that Blizzard prove to you that they’re not lying? If you need such verification, why are you playing their games?


Played 4 hours as Excavate Rogue - Every second matchup is DK.

Played 4 hours as Virus Rogue - haven’t seen a single one.

Nuff said.


it doesn’t seem random because it isn’t lol


It wouldn’t be the first time as we all know…

Exactly. That’s what a lot of players have experienced for many years.
Rigged? Of course not. Just a coincidence… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Show us the matchups.

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We dont do that here …best you get is hearsay and the voices in my head.
And thats enough to make any claim no matter how outlandish.

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Local man breaks the algorithm with simple trick they don’t want you to know