Matchmaking does NOT seem Random to me (with explanation)

And we never hear anything of the opposite.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. With as often as that quote is given. it has to be a proven fact.

It’s because there is no opposite… :grinning:

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The is so rigged Blizzard has this guy that sits all day in his office 24/7 watching your games with his thumb over the rig button ready to mash it unless you buy more packs. A radom person on the internet said it so it must be true. Prove me wrong.

It would be foolish to think they rig the game that way. They have an algorithm for this purpose…

I never said that.

You are a random person on the internet too. :grinning:

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Why the need for a secret code? Why complicate it so much?

To those forum knights who are questing for this ‘grail’, a proposition: just write something on the forum, use more ‘words’ like ‘cuz’, ‘lmao’ and so on to reveal your level of literacy and intelligence (or lack theoreof), as well as ‘ridiculous’, aplenty; don’t hold back, be true to yourself and tell everybody your OPINION. Who knows, perhaps the system will notice you, appreciate your genuine thoughts and thus, having estimated your IQ, flag you as that special-needs person requiring some… paraintellectual assistance from The Algorithm. :grinning:

When i review the match-up in the course of an entire season (1 month) i found that i faced a variety of classes and decks. Of course they are clear outlier, popular classes or deck, flavor of the month, that dominate the ranking, but that to be expected, and not outside the stats reported by websites like vicious syndicate for example.

But in any given day, the picture can be quite different. I could face majority of DK one day, and almost none the other day. Should i blame a nefarious algorithm out there to get me, or simply that my sample size is too small for any meaningful statistical conclusion?


It is absolutely rigged. Keep playing the game and every day i get total trash players with insane luck and thats how they win. Game rigged for them so they can win and if i win 1/2 games then i immediately get garbage RNG so i lose again. + This meta is absolute BS and totally not fun. Also only facing the same classes with same decks. Every dumb bot that keeps saying game isnt rigged is a dumb woke person.

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Hey you seem decently intelligent… what uh does Quantum do again?

ehh they fired 1900 employess and lost what less than 10% of their workforce…

The games all suck and losing players left n right…

people post ideas to the sound of crickets…


The whole place is a shadow of itself…

Only now they have 50x the number of paid workers?

What DO they DO?

So… you expect to win every game you play?

How else can people lose if it is not rigged? Everyone maintains a 100% win rate unless the rigger is on to make them lose. So remember every time you win a game of Hearthstone its not because you are a better player or anything like that. It’s because you bought more packs or something and were rigged to win that game.


So many theater kids here it’s glaring.
Nobody is laughing.

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If the Hearthstone program peaks at your cards and potential opponents cards then it is curating and that IS rigging.
IF the Hearthstone program is not simply using something similar to a 1995 MS-DOS program to randomly shuffle your cards before the game and letting them draw as shuffled for both player, then it is rigged.
If it is not even shuffling the cards but curating them for both players as the game progresses then it is rigged.
No one at blizzard has stated that it simply shuffles the cards before each match, and the cards stay that way the entire game. WHY?
Why can’t someone just state that?
How come when I put two geists in my deck I never get matched with druids with emerald golems ever again? If the matches were simply throwing names in hat and picking them randomly that would not happen.
Any curating means rigging. No one can refute this statement.


Holy crap, how many people still don’t know how the HS algorithm works? I swear…

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You don’t seem to understand random, & you don’t get to use your own definitions of rigging to claim the game is rigged.

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It isn’t peaking at your cards. At all. The entire theory that it does is predicated on the concept that Blizzard actually knows what cards counter what other cards when they design them. I assure you that they do not. They have absofudginglutely zero clue what the meta balance will be like before they release cards. Zero. You can’t rig this way when you don’t even know what counters what.

The day I’ll even consider believing in curated rigging is the day Blizzard stops having at least two balance patches per expansion.

Probably the same reason it’d be kinda weird for me to tell you that I am wearing pants right now.

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Madam. It peaks at your cards and the potential opponents cards.
Explain how when you put two geists in your deck, you never get another druid emerald golem match again?
Play 1000 games with two geists in your deck and count the number of druid golem players you get matched up with.
Then take them out and count the number. Tee hee.


I’m guessing zero.

I’m also guessing zero if you don’t have them.


Easy. Jade Druid is no longer it and hasn’t been it for a long time now. It has been power crept out of Wild. Hardly anyone plays Jade Druid anymore. Running or not running Geist has nothing to do with it.

I mean, I haven’t played Wild format in years, so I barely even have an inkling about what’s going on

but a golem really doesn’t sound like it’s a pirate

Ok explain this. This happened very recently.
90% of all my games were robot roges.
I got fed up with robot roges, I even made many many threads on here a bout robot roges.
So finally I made a deck that could defeat any robot roge. 100% no way for a robot roge player to beat it.
Guess what. I went from 90% robot roges to Zero% robot roges.
Instead it started putting me up against people that play giants.
So I changed my deck again to beat giants, and guess what? I went back to 90% percent robot roges.
This was proof the program peaks at cards before it sets up matches.
The end.