Matching system is rigged

There he is!!! Right on schedule, too!!

Valiant defender of HS!!

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This has been known for a very long time but Iā€™m happy you have come to realize it

The game is rigged to try and get you to spend. Thatā€™s it. If the algos have determined that facing mirrors gets you more likely to spend, then yes itā€™s being fixed so that youā€™ll face mirror more often than not. Otherwise, itā€™s just confirmation bias.

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Yes you mean BOTS not actual playersā€¦ Prove me wrong.


Chess is even more rigged. Every time you play white, you get matched with a black player. Swap to black? Match with white. Donā€™t believe me? Try it.


Not to mention that white always goes first. Chess is so rigged.


Knowing you I guess you take stats sites as gospel. Apart from the bot issue others mentioned thereā€™s a much bigger issue with that mistake,

you donā€™t know if the popularity of ā€¦using stats sitesā€™ third party tools that call home increased (and it most probably did).

I meant actual human players. I think itā€™s fair to say that Iā€™m the foremost authority on what I meant, therefore you are proven wrong.

Look, if you ask me personally if I liked the game more 3+ years ago, or over the course of the last 3 years, Iā€™d say it used to be better too. But in terms of playerbase, Hearthstone has twice as many players as 3 years ago and thatā€™s just a fact. How you or I feel about about the game has nothing to do with the size of the playerbase.

I donā€™t take actual gospels as gospel.

No source is perfect. If someone actually cited an actual source, and it was better than the stat site I pulled numbers from, then Iā€™d be like, okay, letā€™s use that instead. But Iā€™m pretty confident to tell people with no source whatsoever and nothing but impotent rationalizations and blind conviction in their narrative, that they are deluded.

ā€œDeluded with no sourceā€. Itā€™s a permanent fact of life, that third party apps running on the desktops of people have swings of popularity; itā€™s very likely that d0nkey and hsreplay and whatever had a surge of usage from old players while the more casual players who never run those things may be fewer; also itā€™s pretty obvious that people like me who first started (actively) playing the game in the last 6 months are extremely fewer (almost everyone responding to me on any hearthstone place reports ā€œIā€™m playing since X years agoā€(usually more than 4)).

He doesnā€™t understand the difference between real player and bot.
If someone creates 1 million accounts running bots, the game has a 1 million bigger playerbase in his view. :joy:

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Good point. Yes, to clarify, ime, they mean that ā€œthe systemā€ is trying to make good players (them) and scrubs (their opponents) both have win rates around 50%. So, as you say, reducing the variance from the populations 50% win rate. Basically the claim is the rigging is holding them back to the benefit of ā€œundeservingā€ players so that people donā€™t get to discouraged and leave the game.

Yep, which is what I meant by ā€œthe mmr systemā€.

It is rigged, but not in the way you think.

Hereā€™s how it works according to Blizzard:

At the end of each month, players are assigned a star multiplier based on their finishing rank. That multiplier can be adjusted up in some cases where a player finishes with a low rank but maintains a very high MMR. That star multiplier allows players to advance through the lower ranks more quickly, moving them up to a rank at which they meet comparable competition to their skill level. The star multiplier decays by 1 at each rank floor (B5, S10, S5, G10, etc) until the player eventually earns only 1 star per win. (Note that the 3 game win streak double-bonus is completely independent of the multiplier feature.)

While you still have a star multiplier, you will be matched against other players based on your MMR. This endeavors to match people with similar skill levels. Once your star multiplier has decayed all the way down to 1, you are matched by your Rank. And when you are in Legend, you are again matched by MMR. Casual mode players are matched by MMR.

The matchmaking system does not look at your deck composition or your win/loss streak or if you are a paying player or if you put on clean underwear this morning. It looks at your MMR and your Rank. Thatā€™s all.

If anyone has a statistically relevant body of data of sufficient sample size that might suggest otherwise, they are welcome to post it.

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How do you know?


every time you make a new deck or every time you copy a new deck? iā€™ve never seen someone playing a deck i made.


Lol netdeckers are surprised to find the same exact decks that they copied

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You see sometimes the game rigs for you as well as against you and this rigness evens out over time. What can we call this phenomenon?

If you have a statistically relevant set of data that you think proves that. matchmaking is rigged in any way other than MMR and Rank, please share it.

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Itā€™s a phenomenon known as the Great Balance of Rigness.

Totally agree with this, be responsible people, you have a duty to your fellow gamers to share your data sets and free unwitting players from ignorance.