Match Making Observation

This is an observation that I’ve made based on what I’ve been testing out in the last 2 days.

I am currently using 2 versions of Shadow Priest.

One version is 100% net decked. The other version is one that I’ve made modifications to based on how I like to play.

In the last 2 days this is what I have noticed…

The net deck version of the shadow priest has not been matched up against a single control priest.

The version where I have made modifications is only getting matched up against control priest.

Both decks are being matched up against other classes, however, this is only comparing the Priest on Priest matches that both decks are facing.

What I find frustrating about this is that, I don’t like long matches. I play shadow priest because it’s fast and I actually enjoy shadow priest vs shadow priest. However, I"m disappointed that for some reason, that the only way for me to play shadow priest on shadow priest is to play the net deck version.


I’ve observed exactly the same phenomenon, not only with undead priest. It seems to be a more common “issue”. The matchmaking algorithm can obviously recognize decks… which means, the matchmaking may not be random…

I’m running a fun Death Growl DK deck. It’s not top meta by any means, but it gets matched with control priest 40% of the time. Over a 300 game sample size.Every single time they can pull off my Cage head combo before I can.

You can easily get rid of control priest opponents… just buy some packs for real money and perhaps you will get more favourable matchups for a while. :grin:

I have all the cards.

You may be blacklisted by Blizzard for some reason. If you have all cards, just make a simple bank transfer without buying anything. 200 bucks should be enough. :rofl:

Imagine if Blizzard cared enough to actually create some type of black list for individual players? lol, that would be a waste of their money and time.

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I have been saying this for 4 years now…

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you still don’t understand that under hearthstone there is an AI, we all know what AIs are capable of and do you think it would be complicated to have an AI manage your matches including matchmaking? An artificial intelligence capable of understanding your habits and adapting accordingly to push you to take certain actions or to block excessive winnings to induce you to buy new cards, is it science fiction in your opinion? No it’s the reality now, and a giant like blizzard has no problem designing one and implementing it in hearthstone


So to be clear.

Your observation is that the version lifted from the website (whichever website) has 0% Control Priest matchups. Over how many games?

And the modified version has EVERY SINGLE GAME, 100% against Control Priest? How many games?

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Its like how I … J.U.S.T C.A.N.T G.E.T…

A howlfiend, treachery and a defile… in hand at the same time before dead… no matter what…

Lots of juicy boards being developed and hands with cards but in no way shape or form is it possible to get these 3 cards at any meaningful time ever.


Weapon rogues deck functions EXACTLY likes its supposed to and ALWAYS HAS WEPS AND TECHS ready to go.

Not… those 4 tutors and the weapon and the 2 passages are on the bottom ten cards OH NO… no no no… why?

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Playing beast hunter right now, getting matched against alot of kingsbane rogues…so what does a clever player facing all this rogues? Right he adapts and puts in a weaponsteal in his deck…

Guess what now happens? Right, not a single kingsbane rogue anymore.

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The game likes me to draw them on the turn its 2 late.

That is because this game is a rigged rock-paper-scissors machine. Randomness is pure illusion. Everything is manipulated. :penguin:

Advice: If you want to face control priests all the time, just play BDK.
You can also remove weaponsteal/destroy and you will be matched against a lot of kingsbane rogue again. :grin:

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Is there some sort of monthly or (God help me) weekly day where all the crazy people come and spit out conspiracy theories? It’s like a friggin’ virus spreading around the forums within the last 24 hours it looks like.

It’ll never be clear with these guys. They want an echo chamber for their inability to accept you can lose some games, not just win.


Matchmaking is not random at all. But even Blizzard says the system works to find a “fair” opponent. Who knows what they define as fair. You’ll find as many opinions as players on this one. Me personally, I do very much believe that the amount of money a player has spent on cards has a lot to do with who your are paired against. The process definitely isn’t random though. I’m not even convinced card draw probabilities are uniformly random but that’s a whole different issue.

It’s like … random S.P.E.W.
I just can’t either.

Oh look… another one of these threads.

I’ll just leave this here.

Here’s how it works according to Blizzard:

At the end of each month, players are assigned a star multiplier based on their finishing rank. That multiplier can be adjusted up in some cases where a player finishes with a low rank but maintains a very high MMR. That star multiplier allows players to advance through the lower ranks more quickly, moving them up to a rank at which they meet comparable competition to their skill level. The star multiplier decays by 1 at each rank floor (B5, S10, S5, G10, etc) until the player eventually earns only 1 star per win. (Note that the 3 game win streak double-bonus is completely independent of the multiplier feature.)

While you still have a star multiplier, you will be matched against other players based on your MMR. This endeavors to match people with similar skill levels. Once your star multiplier has decayed all the way down to 1, you are matched by your Rank. And when you are in Legend, you are again matched by MMR. Casual mode players are matched by MMR.

The matchmaking system does not look at your deck composition or your win/loss streak or if you are a paying player or if you put on clean underwear this morning. It looks at your MMR and your Rank. That’s all.

If anyone has a statistically relevant body of data of sufficient sample size that might suggest otherwise, they are welcome to post it.

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And I am sure you have proof this is true that you can show us. Something like:

I mean, you wouldn’t claim that otherwise, right?

Care to post/explain your findings of this?

This right here. I’d love to see this and be proven wrong once and for all by the crazies.