Masters Tour soon

Hey guys

Just a reminder the masters tour start in about 2 hours - or 2 and half im not sure

Dont forget to catch the action theres also drops but im usualy there to watch top players :slight_smile:

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Its live guys go check out the action and get some free packs while doing it.

Did you watch it?

I think most of the forum users aren’t competitive enough to watch that xD

Good games, though. Habugabu’s group should be even more interesting :smiley:

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I did watch it for me the my faveroute player was Molestar i loved his shaman decks :slight_smile: i think he brought control shaman right ?

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Yes ahahhahaha

But don’t try that at home :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He’s an absolute God when it comes to piloting control decks

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Have you heard of him before ive never seen him before.

Yeah, I’ve seen streamers play him hundreds of times, lol, but I’ve never played him personally

His MMR is too high for me xD

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