Massively confusing new ranking system

Can someone explain how this works in details? Before this I have looked at Blizzard’s explanation for a while and it didn’t provide numerical examples.

So I was ranked 4 last month and told that I earned 10 bonus stars.

What does this mean or where does it put me at?


It means that you get 10 stars for each win (which diminshes by 1 every 5 ranks), and win streaks double that. So while you like everyone else starts at bronze 10, each win is going to give you like 3-4 ranks at the start, double that if your streaking.

I agree. And I understand how the system works.

But it is most certainly not intuitive and difficult to understand just how and why you’re ranking up and leveling the way you are.

There’s almost no correlation to Ranks (or stars) and you blitz through them in such a way that it boggles the mind that they’re even numbered at all.

There’s a huge lack of a feeling of progression when you’re going Bronze 10 > Bronze 4 > Silver 2 > Gold 4.

That divisions and ranks and stars feel very pointless.

This is also furthered by – you can lose 3 games in a row and stay the same rank. Then you win 1 and you climb multiple ranks.

And also that you can play against players that aren’t even in the same Division as you.

It’s just such a counter intuitive system.

Why not just use the hidden MMR that’s being used to match people? Instead of all these convoluted Tier levels and ranks and stars–with a fairly arbitrary multipler?

Also why reset at all if the whole goal is just to blast us back to the platform where we have to grind 15 games to get to Legend? Why not just start us there?


The somewhat convoluted setup is so that everyone gets to go pass the reward milestones each reset.

You don’t want to pass Go without collecting $200 do you?

Here’s Out of Cards’s post explaining the system:

Basically, you star bonus is based on your MMR, but the rank you achieved last month sets a minimum number of stars that you can receive.

@OP: 10 stars about what you would be guaranteed for hitting Legend in the new system. 11 is the maximum possible multiplier.

Just queue up and play the game. You really don’t need to know all the mechanisms behind it.


That’s going to slow down as you gain more ranks.

The point of this is to get you to the appropriate rank for your skill level quicker without just leaving you where you are which would result in everyone getting to legend eventually through sheer attrition. You quickly speed through a bunch of ranks that are obviously below your skill level based on where you finished last season so that you can get close to where you were last time since that’s likely roughly where you still are. As you get closer to where you were you get fewer and fewer stars per win so you need to win that much more to get back there

Actually, it’s a one-off thing. Not a monthly reset thing. So that’s not correct.

There’s also monthly rewards in addition to the first time rewards


the bonus is there so to make it easier to get back to your rank each month

It’s about having a clear goal and strategy to get to the rank you want. Because, game and sense of achievement, you know. Without a clear understanding one just says “I want to be legend” without a clear understanding of how to get there and no game plan formulated.
Like a man on the street who says he wants to be a millionaire but have no idea how much his monthly expenses and savings are, and has no game plan to grow his savings. He just checks his monthly bank account to see if there’s money enough for next month.

There’s no incentive to stop your climb at any particular rank. You already have the MMR of a legend player. It’s not like the past where you could stop at 5, then play easy games back to 5 again.

It means every win gets you 10 stars instead of 1. It decreases everytime you rank up until its back to 0.
And 10 is pretty impressive, given the max bonus is 11.
I was at rank 15 and got 7 bonus stars.

Exactly… which is why I’m confused. So what happens the next month based on the rank I can achieve? Like does it definitely get reset back to the lowest rung again, and with bonus stars depending on how far you achieve this month? So unnecessarily convoluted >.<

is it normal that i got 8 bonus stars while i was rank 24 last month ?

Absolutely no idea sir. It’s too confusing for anyone to advise you on this

I’m in the same situation: rank 20 with 9 bonus stars.

What happened is this (most likely): you know you can’t proceed past a certain rank, so once you reach a certain rank you just stop playing each month. Because of this you have an over-average W/L ratio, so in this new system you have a high MMR and now your account’s permanently screwed when it comes to Ranked Mode because from now on you’ll forever face far higher ranked players.


Damn this is confusing! So now, (previously) lower ranked players get to fight (previously) higher ranking players on the stairs, so that their ranking will drop while (previously) high ranking players rise?

You see, when players don’t understand the logic, flaws like these go unnoticed:

This guy noted that lower ranked players with high MMR (players with high % of wins and stop at maybe rank 20) are forced to match with higher ranked players with high MMR (also players with high % of wins, who stop at maybe legend). So this is flawed and almost went unnoticed because no one understands the system!

Its not flawed if good players who stop at rank 20 have to now play players of equal skill. Sounds like it is working as planned.

i may missed something

where does it say mmr never goes down?