Marin the manager vs Marin the fox

The power creep here is absolutely nuts.

Anyone remember Marin the fox?
8 mana 6/6, Summon a 0/8 chest which you have to kill for a RANDOM treasure.

Now we have
7 mana 6/6, battle cry lets you pick the wand, and sticks the other 3 in your deck.

There’s a difference with current cards being stronger than old strong cards, and current cards being stronger than old weak cards
OG Marin was trash, it’s not powercreep to print a decent one (unless the new one is stronger than the other options of the current game)

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kind of wish they would buff the old marin the fox
if you got a treasure of your choice for killing/opening the chest and the 3 in your deck and the new manager only gave you one random one it would be fairer i think
note: i am salty cuz i lost to manager → wand → free crown → 2 shirvallahs and free tarim toystoreguy and just got owned

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I mean the old one reduces your opponents board slot by 1 (while the treasure is on their board unless they buff it) technically but I think it could use a buff. The problem with high cost wild cards with weak effects is that it would take a lot to make them playable. Maybe if it made a couple treasure chests and reduced their health from 8 to 6 or 4.

next problem with new marin is, is that its once again a battlecry that gets abused by brann. shouldve been a deathrattle…

Well you can’t choose one if it’s a deathrattle, since the game kinda doesn’t work that way (unless it’s “choose one at the start of your next turn”).

for it to be a deathrattle giving the discover option you would still have had to discover through a battlecry, even if you only obtain the card from the deathrattle, so you’d also get 2 treasures

The closest existing minion I can think of would be chromatic egg

Epic · Minion · Descent of Dragons · Battlecry: Secretly Discover a Dragon to hatch into. Deathrattle: Hatch!

Ah yes, this would work.

Downside of this is that it’s still brannable.

Put on (once per game) or something

Power creeping an unplayable card isn’t an issue.

But if you want to compare the new Marin to anything, it should be to Heistbaron Togwaggle
Legendary · Minion · Rise of Shadows · Battlecry: If you control a Lackey, choose a fantastic treasure.


Fair point. That card does still show the massive powercreep though.

Togwaggle’s a class card, and is conditional on you playing a specific archetype (and having a specific card available to you in hand/on board). It also effectively costs 7 mana to play since lackeys usually die pretty quick so you need to play it same turn, and you only get to choose 1 treasure instead of getting all the others in your deck.

Marin’s neutral, is unconditional, and gives you all 4 treasures over the remainder of the game.

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so?its good the older one was pretty much unplayable

most people forgot it exists