Mana Biscuit is a huge problem and needs a quick nerf

Mana biscuit + Mozaki with Apprentice on the same turn while your board is constantly frozen while mage just draws 0 mana spells on turn 6-7 is BROKEN.

Another fun and interactive deck.

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Just lost to this combo was awesome.
Same S different day priest and mage rule the day.
Nonstop 0cost reres and draw for the win.
Not even caring anynore just gonna zombie quest till I just dont bother to do that.
I’ll say it.
Its no fun losing 8/10 matches to the same decks over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
For gods sake look at your forums. Druid is supposed to be a 3 spec class and theyre unplayable.
1minion for 7+mana mechanics cannot stand up at all vs nonstop 0cost spells and secrets and mages who apparently have no duplicates in the deck but sure seem to play the same cards over and over and over.
Priests that just steal your deck and then reres over and over and over oh look silence over and over. Or that it seems like alot of the cards they draw arent coming out of the deck sick of watching aholes draw nonstop with no cost cards and no punishment or limit its ridiculous.
Seriously folks. time is probably better spent just playin anything else.
2/10 rn for bad meta bad expansion bad patch changes just overall greed of EA shining through.
Most of OG blizz is gone and like them at this rate so will the fans.


Requires some strategy, luck with hand draw, and thinking though. I don’t see an issue with it. Actually I think it’s a good archetype for mage. I’m tired of secret mage.


Not again please, dont destroy mage again and again and again.

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No worries, just run RNG mage. There’s literally no way to Counter it, the only way it fails is if you get REALLY bad pulls.

I think is ok … not broken at all, specially if you play a fast deck … sure, it can feel really bad when someone pulls a massive turn on you with Mage, but that’s about it, i don’t think is that good against Paladin or Warrior and even Warlock with a good hand.

This tendency of asking for nerfs for any deck you don’t play really needs to stop.


So true. This Tiller madness deserves a nerf. But this - isn’t that powerful and easy to do (unless you mulligan well and play carefully).

I’ve had a decent amount of games with it and only succeeded a few times. It’s not a easy deck to navigate. Must get use to it many times. I can see people getting upset once they pull off the otk. It looks impressive to me. It’s a puzzle they need to figure out. Not some easy 3 card thing.

Destroying any set up pieces mage players set (spell damage minions) helps.

i dont get it
how does it keep the board frozen like old tortolian deck did?

It’s not too hard with enough card draw and enough freezes. 2* Ray of Frost, 2* Frost Nova, 2* Blizzard should do the trick.

If mages actually had a deck that could win games without having to resort to stupid OTK combos like this, it wouldn’t be a problem.

why ?

combos are as a valid win contidion as any other

Not on turn 6-7 though. IT happens way too often.

Blizzard seems to be intent on enabling cancerous decks. This deck being a prime example.

Infinite draw and infinite spells on turn 7/8 and cheating out extreme levels of mana.

Its a sad state of affairs when wild is actually more playable and seems “calmer” than standard mode