Making Battleground tavern pass purchasable with gold

Why is there not an option to buy the battlegrounds pass with gold? Also the bob’s and hero skins should all be purchasable with gold. It doesn’t need to be a small amount, they can make it 3x the price in runes to make it fair to people who pay money.

Having 2 extra hero options gives you an objective advantage and it’d be nice to make it possible for f2p players. Js

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Because they didn’t monetize the mode properly when it came out, and it would be too easy for f2p battlegrounds-only players to obtain the pass without paying any money because of the way in-game xp and gold accumulation work

Because… they want people to spend actual cash for it?

Seems obvious to me. How was that even a question…

It was gold only once, they had no solid way to generate money through battleground, so they made it cash only.

It’s kinda sad but that’s the way it is now.

I dont think they ever intended it to be buyable with gold for longer than they did. I think it was allowed to be bought with gold for a bit to get players accustomed to the perks and would at some point only accept real funds for it and stop taking gold for it. Once a sizeable amount of the playerbase had become hooked to the game with all the perks when the switch was flipped the numbers probably showed a decent percentage would be purchasing it with real funds just to maintain that same level of perks. The fact we got it for as long as we did when it was available for gold is just a testament to the big picture strategy they were using.

I’m pretty sure at the time, when BG’s came out, they were trying to find ways to bring more players back into HEarthstone. The mistake they made with BG’s was making it free from the start.

I don’t think they anticipiated how successful BG’s was going to be, for if they did, it probably would have started the way it is now. However, in a way.

They drop the ball on a lot of things when it comes to Hearthstone, and they missed the mark and the opportunity to make $$ off bg’s from the start. SO I doubt they will ever make anything in bg’s cost in game currency.

It’s their vindicitve nature to make sure they try to suck as much out of players, so if you only play BG"s you get the short end of the stick.


what is vindictive about not wanting to operate at a loss on a product that has a daily upkeep cost involved just to keep it going?

vindictive /vĭn-dĭk′tĭv/


  1. Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful.
  2. Marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt; spiteful.
  3. Disposed to revenge; prompted or characterized by revenge; revengeful.

What action has anyone taken against the company to inspire them to take revenge in your view?

I don’t believe they truly knew how popular the mode would be; a literal shift of the player base from Constructed/Arena to BGs. Even if they didn’t plan any monetization outside cosmetics, it was only a matter of time before they put a pass in the game, and it shouldn’t be surprising it costs money.

Thats why I dont believe the pass was ever intended to be buyable with gold for the exception of the introduction period. Long enough for people to justify its value to them and their playing of the mode. Then when the timer was up on that, it went to its intended version of being the bought with irl money version. I think the gold purchase variant was the anomaly that was a temporary offer (unbeknownst to us). Never meant to be the “original” that so many see it as. It was the classic blunder of buying into a deal too good to be true thinking that deal would exist forever.

Reminds me of Whataburger Wednesday from when I was in high school back in the early 2000s. Every Wednesday from 4 to 7 pm, it was buy one get one full size whataburgers. no limits. The lines for the restraurant for the drive thru was well over 10 blocks long taking up 2 full driving lanes of the actual hwy leading up to it. This lasted over 4 years until one day poof. The offer wasnt there anymore and ever since its been normal priced whataburgers buy 1 buy another. lol. But I would be lying if I didnt have that habit formed of wanting to pull into their drive thru every wednesday to this day. I still enjoy their food despite the offer not being available the way it was before.

I see the tavern pass in pretty much a very similar scenario in most respects. If you take my meaning.

You’re so smart I’m sorry. Why are you on hearthstone forums and not at NASA coordinating their next lauch?

Pay 100 gold to reroll 2 hero maybe, once per game

I believe the answer lies here…