Make a card to safeguard one card from counters

To be precise, I propose a Neutral non-Legendary Core spell that has a very small cost (0 or 1) that is immune to counters and which sends a particular card back into your hand if it gets countered or otherwise prevented from being played onto the table.

As to why? There are certain decks which are completely dependent on a particular Legendary card. A good example in existence right now is Control Warrior, which really begins to do its thing after you play Odyn, who lets your hero have attack power to the amount of Armor you added that turn. Another is Rainbow mage, which similarly depends on Sif.

If Odyn is countered or its effect is otherwise prevented from taking hold when you play it – it’s game over and you must concede. The whole deck’s viability depends on Odyn’s effect, and you basically can’t win if Odyn is counterspelled or some such. Your deck has tons of spells that provide Armor, but that Armor cannot be used for Odyn-provided offense, so you basically have next to no offense.

So, this proposed non-Legendary Neutral Core card would provide a safeguard in a deck such as Control Warrior. First, you play the spell, which can’t be targeted by any counters, then you play Odyn, and if Odyn is countered, the Mana you spent is still wasted but Odyn remains in your hand for another shot.

You’re still not in the clear if this happens, because the opponent now knows what you’ll do next turn AND you just wasted 8 mana plus the cost of the counter-proofer to try and play it. Unless you chose to put the second counter-proofer and have the other counter-proofer on hand, your Odyn can STILL be countered next turn. But such a card will let a person whose deck depends on one card remain in the game instead of having to concede.

Keeping one or two such Neutral cards in the deck comes at the price of, well, having to keep two cards in the deck which take the place of some other useful card. But while I am sure there will be people who won’t want to use this card, it’ll provide a very specific but beneficial purpose which needs to exist in Hearthstone but doesn’t exist yet.

So you’re saying that you want not one, but two (!), neutral safeguard card that cost no mana, to bring in an already overpowered card safely onto the board.

I’ve heard a lot of bad ideas but this one…

I think you forgot a bunch of things.

Odyn takes 1 spot in your deck. Now, he effectively takes 3. That’s a pretty hefty drawback.

Also, the safeguard has no other purpose or use. All it does is give you another shot to play a given card. Your opponent will still have another chance to counter Odyn, he will know you have Odyn in your hand, and there are way more counterspells than the one Odyn your deck has.

Finally, the safeguard doesn’t prevent mana loss. If the safeguard costs 1, and Odyn costs 8, you just spent 9 mana, and next turn, you must spend another 8 to try to put Odyn out again. While the opponent has all his or her mana to spend however they want.

The only people who would use this thing are people whose deck’s viability depends on a single card. I don’t really anticipating it winning the Card of the Year prize.

Warrior odyn deck control?

Who are you kidding?

Once Odyn plays, the warrior only goes full face like a Down syndrome, no it’s an aggro deck that has all the tools to face like a Down syndrome.

Odyn is a stupid card that should not exist.

Lol just lol, turn 8 do nothing as the win con in an aggro deck… you sir have no idea… well nvm.

At topic, a card like that wouldnt be viable. Lets stick with the odyn example, you’d run two cards that potentialy cost your whole mana for a do nothing move in turn 9+.
You’d lose two viable cards for that… just play cheap minions and spells to failcheck thats allways a better idea.

If anything you’d want a card that protects odyn in your hand

Create a deck with multiple win conditions.

Simple as.

To quote Bruce Lee:

“Be water.”