[Main Thread] Network Problem while Loading Cards

after days it finally worked last night… Now I’m getting the same dam error.


I’ve been having the same issue while playing on Windows PC for the past week but somehow not on my Huawei phone. Tried everything by now and still no luck :frowning:

Happening here too, i was in the middle of a match in BG, and the game crashed, then when i tried to log in it took forever, and finally when i got in as soon as i clicked something that message appeared.

also tried to play on my phone and same message appears.

Over a week now, still happening

Same problem, for about 3 days. Pc, windows 10.

Same issue.
My problem occured after it had shown me the daily quests, so i found a temporary fix. It turned out that if you let it show the quest, but didn’t click the screen for it to continue it didn’t crash. When it had sat on the quest screen for some minutes, and you continued, everything worked as normal.

However, now that the season has changed and it tries to show me my new rank first instead of the quests, it crashes instantly, and i can’t get it to work.

over 24 hours still happening

Also have the same issue

hi i also have the same problem i tried to play after a long time and now i face this ridiculous problem

Same issue here for me.

Got the same issue since the last patch on Windows desktop and Android phone.

happening to me also fix your stuff BLIZZ

Same here. I tried resetting settings from battle net from PC and was able to play from IOS for half day. Now the same problem appeared again and cannot play.
Please solve it. Thanks

Same issue. Starts to load up hearthstone and get the “We just ran into a network problem as we were loading up all the cards in your collection. Please relaunch Hearthstone to access your collection and resume your duels”.

Android and PC

Just finished uninstall and reinstall on pc, was able to click through new season, rewards, etc and play.

Android version still hanging on the initial Hearthstone screen. Trying a reinstall there next.

I’m getting the same error message.

Same problems ;(( 3 days can’t play

I’ve been having the same problem on both accounts since the most recent update. (Over 24 hours for sure). So far, I’ve only had this error come up when attempting to play connected to wifi on my laptop. Opening ‘game options’ and resetting settings for the game does not help.

Thus far, only uninstalling and reinstalling the game completely fixes the issue. However, when switching between accounts, it re-appears.

having this problem also, on both my pc and phone clients.

Í tried using 4g and it worked, but on wifi it’s broken

same on Ipad 6ta gen and huawei p30 pro…