[Main Thread] iOS redirecting to store to download

Literally just downloaded to finally try it out and I’m stuck in this loop too. Useless.

I heard changes to the toxic evolve shaman went live but the update doesn’t work on ios. Please fix

I am Italian sorry for the English not too correct.
I have the exact same problem, initially the app crashed on startup so I uninstalled and reinstalled the app. From that moment I entered the loop you described that redirects you to the store. I have uninstalled the app too many times now to count them but nothing. Can someone help me?

Well, sunday night, STILL NO HS on iOS. And not a single word from the support. Screw this, I switch to Legends of Runeterra - IT’S WORKING.


Same problem for 4 days now. I’ve uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted os, done it all. I don’t understand how you can let the mobile version of your game on iOS go unplayable for so many people for 4 days straight.

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No matter what I do, this app is not working. I haven’t had any issues in a while, but this is by far the most infuriating. The support team seems to be unreachable, none of the troubleshooting helps. I really like this game, but it’s so frustrating and I can’t play. Seems like Blizzard doesn’t care about anything relating to this game. Anyone have any recommendations of other fun games like Hearthstone or Magic the Gathering to play since this one sucks, or at least the support does.

Hello everyone,

I was able to confirm that our Hearthstone team is aware of this issue showing up again following the 19.2 patch. Currently it can happen on fresh installs of Hearthstone on iOS.

Apologies for the interruption here, but thank you all for the reports. The Hearthstone team will be working to patch it as quickly as possible, so I would recommend trying to install again at a later time.


THANK YOU VERY MUCH! It’s about time.

I just experienced this, iPad Air 3. I think a server was down, so an in-game update did not proceed - you’d think it would try contacting other servers in that scenario.

So, faced with not even the Hearthstone logo, Indeleted and reinstalled the app. Which is now inviting me to go to the store for a new update that doesn’t exist - the client is three weeks old. What a way to waste your data plan…

Any updates yet ? Would be good to get back on and play.

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Must admit, after the changes to the rewards system, this could be the final straw for me. Very little in the communication and timeline for fix too :confused: :smirk:


To save everyone the bandwidth I just tried a new install for the 9th time and it’s still broken.


I wouldn’t bother deleting game and reinstalling honestly if the newest version ain’t showing up in App Store, deleting/uninstalling will do no good. And yes I am also still down, almost three days after patch trlease


iOS 14.3 takes me to App Store when I open hearthstone

Is it fixed yet? Ios14.3

Still hasn’t been fixed

I mean it has only been like three days is all

Still no fix. This is the most annoying thing that’s happened to me with a mobile game. And that’s on MOBILE. You know how many problems I’ve had with mobile games? I’ve had more problems with mobile games than amount of times I’ve jerked off.

It’s strange that something this broken snuck through QA, but it’s even more strange that there is radio silence on twitter etc. that the game is broken for all iOS, lol.


I’ve also been dealing with this issue. I think I could have mitigated/avoided it if I hadn’t followed everyone’s kneejerk “delete and reinstall” advice — but here we are.

FWIW the most recent patch in the app store is from three weeks ago.