[Main Thread] Android 10 & Samsung A70/A80 - Cannot Login Android app

Blizzard helloooooooooo, how much time we must wait until it’ll be fixed?

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I downloaded the new patch 17.0.44222 on march 26, and I still can’t log in to the game, please help!

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Same issue galaxy j5 P

Hope thos gets fixed before April 7…

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Here is what Blizzard support answered me after a week of back and forth on the topic:
" Hey,

I’m Tech Specialist Latcrick, and I’ll be handling your help request today with the utmost of care, and I appreciate your patience and understanding so far.

I’m sorry to hear that your Hearthstone on mobile still isn’t working for you after all these attempted steps, and I’d love to help you further here.

However, the issue is th at we aren’t able to support Mobile platforms directly, as they’re entirely the control of Android and Apple, and you’ll need to reach out to them for specific support and troubleshooting, even if it is our app, as it runs on their operating systems on mobile.

We wish you all the best, and have a fantastic week!"

What a bunch of BS is this???


to @Blizzard: IS this problem going to be attend by you?
if not: How do I get in contact to Android to solve this problem?.

I buyed the 80 cards and 55 cards package from ashes of outland and I only play on mobile, i really need this problem solved so I can enjoy a product that i bought from you.


Please, find the problem with your Sign-in service! It cant start on galaxy a70.

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For me, after this new patch, worked for a couple of hours. However, sooner it stopped to login again. Blizzard has been a while this problem persists, make any effort to handle it. At least answer us!

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The problem still remains! I can not enter the game from the Samsung galaxy A70 phone with android 10. Playful demons still do not allow to enter the game! Blizzard expel them please and solve this problem soon !!!


Same issue, same device

Ребята, я отписался на рус.форуме, как можно поиграть, ищите, проверяйте, сам не мог неделю зайти, лично разобрался, способ не от бллизов, но играть можно ))проверяйте +лайк

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With Google translate, you said you found a way to make it work? Can you write down the steps?

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can you post how did you fix it? / можешь выложить как ты это исправил?


1.Заходим в игру, дожидаемся ворот, ждём 5 сек.,сворачиваем игру
2.Заходим в настройки приложения ,чистим кэш игры
3.Заходим в игру ,ждём еще 2-3 сек.,сворачиваем игру
4.Снова заходим в настройки приложения и второй раз чистим кэш игры
5.Заходим обратно в игру, ждём, должно пустить
Сам мучился неделю, никак не мог поиграть, теперь вот таким вот способом играю)


Сорян за качество



You have to do this every time, but IT WORKS!!!

Thank you friend!!

So now it would seem that a russian guy can find a way to fix it, but small indie company Blizzard can’t and we have to contact google. FFS


Не работает друг, я игру переустанавливать, мне щас в аккаунт зайти надо, я пробывал твой метод, но это не сработало, не могу войти в аккаунт проблема не решается

It works dude! Thanks a lot. Blizzard give him a job!

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Да не за что))наслаждайтесь)

Тоже нужно было зайти в аккаунт, я сделал так как на видео. До предложения залогиниться или играть гостем. Потом нажал залогиниться и в момент когда оно виснет снова очистил кэш, и запустилось, позволило ввести логин и пароль.


Thank you for your reports! It looks like Pavel found a workaround in the mean time. Our team is currently trying to replicate the issue on our end. At this time, there’s no time estimate for when this will be resolved, but we are looking into this and attempting to replicate this on our end.

Here’s the workaround provided that seems to have helped a few folks! Thanks for sharing, Pavel.

  1. Go to the Hearthstone and wait for 5 seconds at the tavern doors.
  2. Exit the Hearthstone, and clear the game cache.
  3. Go to the Hearthstone, wait another 2-3 seconds.
  4. Minimize the game and clear the game cache again.
  5. Go back into Hearthstone, wait a bit and it should let you back in.

This is not an ideal fix, but it is a workaround in the mean time. Our team is looking into this for a more permanent resolution and I’ll update this thread when we have more information and news to share :slight_smile: