Main problems with today's card design

Yogg shows very well the problems with today’s card design. He’s Mass Hysteria and Mind Control in one card. But not for 5 or 10 but for 0 mana and in Miracle Rogue this can be repeated in very early turns with Shadow Step. Druid is also doing his nonsense with this card. Who wants to play against something like that? The only Yogg flavor effect is the Tentacles and that is the weakest. Just unleash something crazy strong on the players. It’ll be fine. It’s funny. Believe me: It’s not. According to hsreplay, Yogg is in 33% of decks. The team has absolutely no sensitivity for balanced card design. Yogg is far too good in a variety of situations. Too fast and easy available. But a card shouldn’t be too good so that it doesn’t get boring. Otherwise it’s like Superman but without kryptonite. Lord Barov is an example of good card design. He was great, but without an activator like Broom or AoE he wasn’t a board clear. Yogg, on the other hand, just has to get on the board and can deal with everything: Boards and single target minion. A little bit like Zephrys, but you don’t need a Highlander deck restriction. The team should get back to balanced card design before it’s too late because too many players don’t want to deal with boring game situations due to broken cards like that.


Dude this meta right now is just God awful.

The card is an auto include in nearly every deck.

That alone should tell you this card needs adjusted.

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Only included in like 54% of decks, clearly not broken enough…

Its a card that gives classes abilities it shouldnt have.

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I think it is not Yogg the biggest problem here however it is broken for sure… but until aggro can deal half of enemies HP damage in 5 turns… and control is unlimited… there is no hope… Prince Renethal should be removed and aggro mass buffing tools… They say developers are not reading this forum… but why the hell it is exist then anyway… I have no Twitter account and wouldn’t create one just to communicate with HS developers thats for sure… I just really give it up… I got D5 in 10 days and not even try to get Legendary… it is just hopeless for real players who are refuse to play any of these broken craps… I am just proud for my success without any of these and thats it… I have lost hope in this developer team because the last balance patch shows it clearly… they have no idea what to do with this game anymore to make it balanced… they have no clue… Seems like they are not playing it and not even testing anything… just creating new cards mindless…

I am not sure if he is broken but he gets abused for sure.
I mean I play him in my control warlock list and he costs me rarely less then 8 mana, that dosnt feel broken at all.

Probably they should change him in this way: reduce cost by 1 for each spell you’ve cast that costs mana. (Or however you want to word it)

A flat mana increase would make him unplayable for all decks that cant abuse him.

Also I gotta agree, he is not rly yogg like, my first thought on reveal was, that is not random enough. Even hysteria is hardly random.

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Yogg should be nerfed. Its cost should not be lowered to less than 10.


It’s only going to get worse, unless microsoft actually does some real house cleaning.

And here we have the problem with the playerbase.

The meta is not perfect but seriously.

Everyone is able to play mostly deck types. Push the prison brakers out a little so classes who already benefit too much of yogg not also get extra board clears.
and that is it.

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