Mage Titan Norgannon too OP

Doing 20 damage in one single attack is insane. Should be lowered.

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Doing 20 damage in 3 attacks*


I have never seen a single titan live longer than 2 turns.

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never been hit, or been able to pull this off myself. is this some wild joke I’m too standard to understand?

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if you were going for pedantic, but op is correct, it’s one attack if you hodl off on the damage option.

It’s a luck/strat thing: basically how you play around your opponent, their board, etc. The norg combo is tricky, but I’ve seen it done.

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Yeah how about a double battlecry that locks your deck thats better, or how about bouncing your bull to your hand so you cheat out yogg because its “class specific”, what about not playing a single creature cause you can just rez a cheated out copy with rush and 20 damage turn 5, how about some stupid face hunter who has nothing but low cost spells and a zero cost hero power that refreshes yeah…the titan is crap if we get there

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it is quite OP if you cannot deal with it.


You are a bronze, you don’t spend money on this game!! At diamond rank this TITAN is trash!! Any class can destroy this TITAN or worse steal it from you!! You are a poor bronze!! You’re talking such nonsense!


Titans’ abilities replace their first 3 attacks.
They have innate charge to be able to use an ability in the turn they’re played. If you give them windfure they can use 2 abilities in a turn. Mega-windfury and they can use all their abilities + attack the turn they’re played. And if frozen, they can’t use an ability.

I may be pedant but my whole point was mostly that the titan needs 2 turns of doing something else before being able to deal 20. If you leave a 6 mana minion on board for 3 turns, your game isn’t in a good shape regardless of the minion.

So the original statement:

which you also agree with:

So I’m not sure why you even disagreed with the guy in the first place.

And as others including myself have pointed out, pulling it off requires a bit of luck/strategy.

One could get norg without paying money. And like any card, it has a risk/benefit cost that must be weighed, as you pointed out.

Because it still requires 3 attacks to pull it off, not one. I’m not sure why you would agree with the guy in the first place :thinking:
It’s almost like saying “10 damage for 4 mana on a single card is insane !” because you played +4 spell damage before casting a fireball. It did not cost 4 mana to deal 10, it cost 4 + the cost of the spell damage cards.

If I play Mister Mukla and you don’t kill it for 2 turns, I will swing you face for 20 damage by the time Norgannon would hit for 20. If your opponent runs specific threats and you don’t properly deal with them for multiple turns, you get punished accross multiple turns, not just one :person_shrugging:

This noob who will never leave the silver rank crying for a rubbish mage card like this TITAN!! This noob doesn’t know what it’s like to face an expensive warlock deck: Control Warlock.


The opponent with this deck made the following combo, he summoned the epic minion: Amorphous Slime which in turn discarded Thaddius, Monstrosity in hand, then activated a spell: Shallow Grave on the Amorphous Slime minion on the field. This stupid combo for 7 mana and he summoned two Thaddius, Monstrosity to the field, and the cards in his hand were mostly odd, the cost was equal to ZERO!!


And bronze is crying for a mage card that doesn’t last more than one turn!!

And still does 20 damage in ONE. Which is what he said in the first place. How many turns it takes is not relevant to his point. There were similar discussions to having a 30/30 on board even though it required playing two 9/9 of the same minions back in the day (and keeping them alive). The end result is there’s a 30/30 on the board, just like now there’s a 20 damage in ONE use.

The discussion is whether it’s op, and you keep trying to drag the discussion off into the weeds by arguing semantics.

If you want to argue that the three turn before use make it less op, then do so. But you might want to stop doing it in such a backward way.

I was posting on the oldest forums here while your gran pappy was still a calf! Now get off my lawn! Also, top legend in all kinds of categories since whenever super sayin fuchsia pasta goes here as well.

Sorry, the momentum carried me.

Now that we’ve gotten all that obligatory nonsense out of the way, no one was crying. I literally pointed out it’s a card that anyone can get without paying. And yeesh, I pointed out you were right about the cost benefit thing.

And people discuss if cards are a benefit, broken or outright nuisance all the time, even if they are the most asinine of cards. Are you new here?

Literaly what I tried to achieve with my examples since my initial statement seems to be misinterpreted :person_shrugging:

your initial statement. I even tried pointing out the turn thing, as an attempt to get you to clarify what you were trying to say, but you insisted on staying with the strange attack fixation, making it seem like you were getting at something other than “it takes three turns to get there, so it’s not as op as it seems.”

So, now that we’re back to the “three turns makes it less op” …that’s what most of us have been discussing this whole time.

And I did, multiple times, going the same way “three turns makes it less op”.
I don’t get what’s your deal with me here.

I laid this out already.

I even tried steering it back to topic:

but you still want to act like you have no idea what’s going on.

Feel free to sit off in your own corner if you like while the rest of us actually try and discuss the thread’s topic.

So you decide what the thread’s topic is ?

Because the only message we have from OP is “Mage Titan too OP, 20 damage in one single attack is insane”.

So saying “It takes 3 turns to reach that point, so it’s not OP” is on-topic.
And saying “If you let that minion survive for that long it’s only normal you get punished, just like with any other minion without making them OP” is off-topic.

“It takes 3 turns for Norganon to hit for 20” : on-topic
“It takes 3 turns for King Mukla to deal 20 and he’s not OP” : off-topic

Don’t come on me with “But OP main point it that it is 20 damage in ONE hit”.
OP didn’t develop anything so far, stop talking for them. If I were to be off-topic its only to them to specify their whole point, not to you to assume it and come at me when I try to rationalize the thing.

Do you really think that the game designers of this game read your comments?? Wake up!! The owners of the game convert only with the top 1 legends spread around the world, if they ask for something they will be answered as was the case with the jailer’s quick and untimely ban. In short: Game users waste time writing here… when the game owner wants to sell something to the community, he posts it here! They don’t look at comments and don’t respond to any of them! ===>> Using the forum is a waste of time!!

the op did, which you once again answered literally a second later.

congrats, we covered this already, that horse is no longer sub atomic particles, is beyond the visibility of the quantum realm. Probably going to need Pym to develop something beyond his famous particles to go deeper to find it now.

Congrats, you literally managed to finally grasp op’s original point…nearly 20 posts later. Have a cookie.

But I’m sure you’ll keep going on about it while the rest of us are still actually trying to have a pertinent discussion.

Before the pandemic, when there were actually the infrequent gold posts on the forums, and there was actually a dev tab…yes.

Now the devs only communicate through the blues, if one believes the “I was sent to relay a message from the devs” bit.

Whether or not we’re wasting time is debatable, I think in some cases the feedback does reach up to the ivory tower, in others it reaches them too late (the much too late nerfs after the meta shifted several times already), and others they do dumb stuff like locking cards people paid 60-80 usd for (I feel sorry for everyone looking at a golden jailer they can’t use, but that’s everyone who got scammed into paying anything to this company at this point).