Mage Quest re-work please

I would like the Mage Quest card reviewed as it is almost impossible to beat unless you’re playing a Zoo deck. Does anyone else have an issue playing against it? Could it be increased to 10 spells or nerfed to where you can’t take more than 2 back to back turns ? I just love watching people take unlimited turns to do absolutely nothing but waste your time forcing your concede button to be used ya I know sounds petty but it’s really making me hate the class and the game for that matter

Stop crying!! Aggro deck kills this deck!! Stop crying!!

isnt normal for a combo deck to lose to an aggro deck (or other combo decks that manage to pull theirs first )

I put together a Reno mage deck and it’s the deck I play most in wild mode, this deck I put together acts like an ARCANE MACHINE GUN. And I face these Quest Mage that the guy is crying about in this thread, there is a 50% chance of winning because for the player from the Quest Mage deck to win he has to have Vexallus or Grand Magister Rommath in his hand. With my Reno Mage I already won against this Quest Mage! This guy crying to Quest Mage who is strong!! Go play with this deck and you’ll see that it sucks!!

Now if you complained about Secret Mage then I would agree with you!! Secret Mage is much stronger than this Quest Mage!!

Aggro doesn’t kill it. Lol. Only thing that kills it is card/deck/cost disruption and secret tech

And even then…

Nvm I take that back. Aggro can kill it. But it’s 50/50 at best. Though I guess that’s okay