Mage plays 6 dmg 6 health card on turn two, how?

How is this possible? How do I even beat this? What developer thought this was a good idea? Then on turn 3 the mage has the board covered with elementals doing 4 damage. How can anyone beat this?

You think that’s bad?

I had a mage coin and play Norgannon on turn 5 then on turn 6 played 2 reflections ultimately doing 40 face damage.

I have been away from Hearthstone for a couple of years and since I came back every game, no matter how well I am playing, is effectively lost when my opponent plays the Lor’themar Theron card. The only defense I can see is to have the card myself. Given that I am no longer able to go through the “March of the Lich King” quests or purchase it for the exorbitant price previously set, it should NOW be available to craft.

How can Blizzard claim any level of balance and fairness when not all cards are available to all players, one way or another? I understand the financial gains to be had from a period of exclusivity but that shouldn’t be open ended. It just ruins the game on every level. It would be pointless playing “Wild” or “Twist” as that card is guaranteed to be in the opponent’s deck if it is in their collection. If they don’t have it, then I feel they are being cheated just like me.

Game play has had some BIG changes in the last 2 years. Before I left, there were only very few decks that could hit you for 20 or more after turn 7 and they were usually “Wild”, now it seems to be every other deck I play against, even in casual play.

I won’t even go into the fact that over 50% of my opponents are either playing the same or similar, exceedingly boring Death Knight deck, due to the spectacular imbalance that it now enjoys or Warrior decks that seem to rely on building a crazy amount of armour and then picking off my “tank” cards with “slam” cards and the like which doesn’t even cost them any damage. It is like battling a heavyweight boxer with a limp lettuce leaf. You could say that I can play those decks as well, but I want to “play” my hand with some skill (small as it may be) not play to a formula by rote just to get a win. One could get all the way to “legend” and wouldn’t indicate any skill at all.

Hearthstone is a game and it is supposed to be fun for both players. Blizzard can’t base their policies on what appeals to “professional” and “legend” players only. I can take a loss (heaven knows I have a lot of them), but I expect it to come from a better player not from some “over the top” card in their deck, that I can’t even get.


After a set time, they should start rotating these cards through the shop: gold for standard, buy a diamond version. Then you can unlock crafting a gold version if you want.

That lets everyone get all these promo cards that were missed.

This game is a big trash with only face interaction, you add the blizzard match fixing and the blizz bot and there you have the worst tcg of all time, just a game for morons.


I’m getting really tired of having my opponent a hunter use starving buzzard and unleash the hounds combo, draw their whole hand and clear the board and do face damage like wtf? And then it’s no better I face druid who uses 2 cards to do 14 damage at 9 mana some treants with charge and a roar, but I’m only at 7 mana and I was losing for the turns before but now my opponent got their combo and it’s just like…omg, you know?


There is an achievment for this card.

Also it is weaker than you think.

which card is it
cant figure out i suck at these forum games

he’s talking about lor’themar theron i guess?
i didn’t know he requires an achievement to get
that kind of sucks for new players
oh well

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Super easy win. You concede and que up next opponent. You shouldn’t ask “how?” anymore since this game evolved into a random coin flip and some matchups are unwinnable, others are literally 50/50 coin-flips.

In the end it doesn’t even matter, not your skills - it is the amount of games you play.

Try this strategy to ease your Hearthstone frustration: play games while you’re watching Netflix or doing housework, and don’t focus too much on each match. In one game, I was at 7 health with the opponent having over 30 attack on their side. Just for fun, I played Prison of Yogg-Saron. Guess what? Their board vanished, their strongest minion became mine, and I even got a healing spell. They were dead the next turn. I felt terrible, like I’d won a huge jackpot off a random gamble. I even sent them a friend request to apologize, but they didn’t accept. Maybe they were too busy posting on the forums about my game, asking how? :smiley:

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Don’t even bother asking questions. They won’t balance this game as long as people are paying money for the current state of it.

I hate myself for continuing to support Blizzard simply off some weird misplaced sentiment of how North made me feel back in the 90s.

Even when you make a ticket nowadays you get generic bot-like responses and are made to feel like your money and even your entire life ain’t worth their time.


That is pretty much what I have been doing. Never the less it annoys me that Blizzard seem intent on ruining the game so much that nobody plays anymore so they have to rely on bots.

Don’t talk to me about friend requests. Nobody wants to accept anymore. Too afraid to do so in case they get flamed for playing unethically, I guess. Funny thing is, I still have all the friends that still play from 2 years ago, but only one since I came back.

What is weak about coming up against a 16-16 taunt 2 turns in a row. It could happen again but I’m beaten when the first one comes out.

did anyone figure out which card is OP talking about or is still a mystery

no idea how to do this with kabal lackey nerfed

Only to those who can’t pass a captcha.

Mana cheat.

The game relies on it heavily. Everything else is unplayable. Switch games.