Mage - Lightshow

Lightshow is overcosted due to the random targeting. While the spell can theoretically go infinite a 3 mana spell for 2 damage twice to start with is not nearly powerful enough to compete in this meta when 1 drops can have 3 health.

In short Lightshow should cost 2 mana much like the spell first flame. And while there is a mana reduction minion, once again the issue is getting it online.

Currently the better spell option for a combo turn is arcane bolt since mage is mostly concerned with survivability using solid alibi.

If this is how you think Lightshow works, you’re doing it wrong. The point of the spell is to cast it multiple times. The weak first cast is part of the cost with the payoff being later in the game. Here’s a video from Warshack showcasing his version of the deck.

Warning: might contain some foul language.