Mage is out of control with Discovery

Reducing the consistency of discover only makes high rolls MORE tilting. Anyone remember this:

Discover is fine. If anything its the quantity of it thats the issue ATM.

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The real problem with discover is when the discover pools are small. That’s when it’s always been a problem. Several cards in the past have been nerfed not because they discover, but because the discover pool/card pool is entirely too small.

This always seems to show its face in the meta of a rotation as card pools are smaller than they normally are. No one had a problem with Pandaren discovering spells…except when Rogue abused it and was able to make sure the card pool was small enough to where it could reliably get what it wanted. Stuff like that is what makes Discover broken.

But you won’t see anyone complaining about this card:

because the discovery pool is pretty trash. So it’s obviously not the fact that people discover stuff that’s not in their deck that’s the problem, it’s when the discovery pool itself is way too strong.

Discovery is fine.
Card pools are not.


So; your argument is basically: " Yeah, mage sucks, but it should be nerfed anyhow, 'cause someday it might be powerful."
How about We just nerf the whole game and start over?
You cannot repair catastrophically broken.
When an engine blows up, you have to either rebuild, or replace.

No, that’s not anything I said.

Man, you are quite the drama queen.

I think you need to look at your statement here and think about what that looks like in your own life and how you relate to people here. It seems like the train left the station a long time ago for you, dude. You should maybe think about resetting a bit.

That’s not anything I said, but I’m sure you will read what you want to see into everything here, so it’s not worth dealing with you on it.

But to the point, they made a tool for mage to replay their damage spells, but it’s so wide open as to be able to copy their control/stall spells. It seems like it would have been more effective to remove the discover part of it to just have it just put the lightshower back in your hand instead of creating infinite stall, which will almost always get a nerf.

Note that DK got nerfed for the same playstyle of discovering their board freeze over and over and over just recently. It’s not personal, it’s about people should be able to use minions in the game.

So you did not say this? It’s a quote.
Check yourself.
Mage is at the bottom of the meta and yet you are arguing for nerfs.

Activision Blizzard doesn’t care. How many times I have to say this. They care about money. Money. They don’t care about you.

yeah, the game was more popular

So are we just pretending that Burn Mage isn’t one of the best decks right now?

Or is this like how Control Warrior is essentially the only Warrior deck that people want, and Enrage being good is not compelling? Genuine question.

Burn Mage slinging ~infinite damage spells at your face with spell power while preventing you from damaging them seems like the most Mage thing to do.

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So Discover isn’t fine, thanks

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100% there is also a bug right now were mage can play infinate of the same secret over and over.

I just got hit by 3 objections in the same turn. And the secret count did not even go down!.

Kinda hard to win when i relized the issue was a bug.

Nice try legend.


Go back up and read what I was playing.

By far the most annoying deck to play against in standard. I don’t care what the win rate is.

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Nope, discovery is fine. Looks like conceptualizing the issue was pretty hard for you.

I agree, discover is a great mechanic and the pool is too small. However, the big issue right now is there’s too many cards they slapped this mechanic on because they can’t think of anything else to make cards playable.

The people at team 5 who’s actual career is card design somehow made the galaxy brain decision to: a) give DK a strong discover package on its first release; b) print efficient discover cards every release this rotation, including some with mana cheat; and c) create discover mage for the first release of a new rotation with the smallest discover pool.

I wanted to correct my answer as VS now lists spooky mage as tier 2.
I will say this though: The deck is not burn mage, and players are wrong to allow Team 5 call it that. Burn decks are fast, and they often burn out.
This is a control deck that uses free armor to survive, for sobbing out loud.
So; apologies to those who said the deck was good, and should not be discounted.
I don’t care if it’s tier S. I won’t play it.
It’s playstyle has to do with survival more than burn, and would be better suited to another class.
Team 5 has run completely out of ideas, and now just shuffles the dumbness between them, no matter how little the style has to do with original class role.
They have made too many classes to have any diversity at all, and this deck is a prime example.
Homogenization and the overlap has killed class roles.
A mage that uses armor beyond the original ice barrier secret and token minions for AOE… right.

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So we’re now at the “arbitrarily redefining words to fit my personal head-canon” school of debate.

Just…leave the game, man.

I like Control Warrior, and don’t like Enrage Warrior, and I even make claims like “non-Control Warrior decks aren’t in-demand and are historically unpopular,” but you’ll never see me saying things like “Warrior is bad in general” when it’s just not true.

You’ve been circling the drain with your “Team 5 is the literal worst, they are horrible people, they are intellectually bankrupt” spiel for so long. Just pull the ripcord, dude. Put us all out of your misery. You make me feel bad when you quote me and then repeat your doomsday memes.

Or go play Classic HS against bots, you can enjoy the Original Vision of Mage there.


You are unbelievable. I just defended what you said about the mage deck, and you have the unmitigated gall to attack me anyhow, because I take issue with a deck that has almost nothing to do with mage historically, as anyone knows it.

Burn Mage runs 2 Arcane Bolts, two Worms, and Two of the 3 drop, for a total of 8 arcane bolts, plus it may or may not run Frozen Touch.

It’s not a discover based deck. It’s central strategy is plainly laid out. It runs two discover cards (alchemist and elemental).

It’s also not THAT high on the list. It tier 2 peaking at high legend.

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I agree it’s not that good a deck.
I disagree that it should be called burn mage.
It is a control deck that finishes with burn, I suppose, but a burn deck is a fast deck, that may or may not run out of resources, depending on draw.
If it were an actual burn deck, I would be playing it.

Someone never AOE farmed with frost mage in wow, as though ice barrier (effectively armor), slows, and aoe were not the whole thing, that mage wasn’t the best at this, and that I couldn’t get full bags of skins/primals/cloth faster with mage than any other class.