Mage is Always Shafted

You can turn a blind eye if you like, but it’s obvious Mage power level is far below the other classes.
We have two 10 cost legendaries and an 8 cost which are almost unplayable because we are dead on turn 6-7.
The 6 cost ones are barely playable…
Kadgar’s weapon is easy to destroy and also plays spells so bad it’s a meme
The Titan has lowest impact except maybe warrior’s
Sif is one decent one (still no battlecry and conditions to effectivity)
Two legendaries are spells that can be countered / not bounced and really infinitize is just a mana sink, not a cheat.
Two of our legendaries “draw cards” (with conditions) …wow.
The new legendary water elemental did not even get elemental type (??) and buffs the opponent’s next turn, awesome.
Also, Paladin tourist for Mage is Joke.

Compare these to Priest/Druid/Warrior/Rogue/DK battlecry legendaries and it’s not even close
Let alone these other classes reaching 20 mana again, it’s all super Bogus
Mage is playing with SandBags on the Beach! :desert_island:


The new Mage set cards are seeing play in the best deck on the Meta.
Its just not Mage playing the cards lmao.


Elemental mage is one of the best decks right now… you seem to be completely unaware.


Oh look, Mal has a brother :smiley:


Not gonna lie.

After play some elemental mage i got the…
“So this is how a paladin player feels like vibe.”


Mal has no brothers, but I do think We are kindred spirits.
Mage got cards that are way better in other classes.
And that isn’t an accident.


Just play some elemental mage in standard.
The deck got a really strong addition and is tier 1 now.


When rotation happens every mage card this expansion is junk.
(idk, maybe the drink survives)

Seems to me that if a card is good, then that quality carries over to wild.
Mage has gotten very few cards in the past five years that stick in wild.
Take a look at Wild Druid and Rogue if you want to see what really powerful cards look like.

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What more do people want… theres a bunch of playable decks

Big spell highroll
Tourist paladin token/elemental buff whatever mage
No minion mage

Mabye not all of them are rank 1 decks but certainly playable and all relatively different playstyles, although each deck themselves is rather linear which is more of a hearthstone as a whole problem these days as opposed to mage specific

This expansion provided a lot more playable cards than past expansions for sure.


I just played Ele mage in Wild. You’re right.
If you like token decks, it’s pretty good.

Elemental Mage

Class: Mage

Format: Wild

2x (1) Fire Fly

2x (1) Flame Geyser

2x (1) Glacial Shard

2x (1) Synthesize

1x (1) Tar Slime

2x (2) Aqua Archivist

2x (2) Flame Revenant

2x (2) Rolling Stone

1x (2) Saloon Brewmaster

2x (2) Shale Spider

2x (3) Lamplighter

2x (4) Overflow Surger

2x (4) Triplewick Trickster

2x (4) Unchained Gladiator

2x (5) Sleet Skater

2x (5) Tainted Remnant


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

For wild you can use book of specters instead of unchained gladiator.

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Go listen to the Vs podcast that came out lmao, Zacho says just that Mage is a dumpster fire and if Lamplighter gets nerfed(this can easly happen) the class has NOTHING left to play.

Big Spell Mage is on the 40% win rates ,the so called drunk Mage with Paladin cards is a dead horrible deck.

So the whole Mage class is on a string wainting to snap, Lamplighter gets nerfed and it goes down to the last spot in the ranks.
Also Elemental Mage runs 0 new class cards, im playing Druid as any Mage main should.

Its the only way to play the class new cards.


Well, Shy and Min are right. The ele deck is good.
But; it runs lamplighter…

That card alone makes elemental decks playable on multiple classes.
But again its a deck with 0 PIP mage cards.

The whole Mage set is irrelevant in its own class, but top tier in Druid.

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Yeah. I don’t disagree with the OP.
Mage gets treated crummy by team 5. That isn’t news.
Team 5 purposely cripples the class to retard playrates.

But look how starved Mage players are that they jump on a deck with 0 new cards…
Yikes the class is on a level of its own that most its players can excuse 10 unplayable cards.

I dont settle for scraps so im playing Druid and its super fun to use those cards ,if i have to migrate to another class to enjoy its new cards so be it.

I put together a Mage/Paladin deck and it’s quite good. That new minion location is a very good card. Zilliax of course is mostly an issue but it has the burst potential to end the game on 6 or 7 if they don’t high roll into the Chemical Spill combo.

I’m thinking the drinks probably have to all go to 2 cost just to balance them out with existing combo cards.

This is more about something different being viable.

Elemental mage never really take off so while there are 1 maybe 2 new cards.
It feels new both for who play and who go against.

I think the elemental mage deck is overrated.

The shaman one is better with triple battle cry → lamplighter (easily repeated if any need)
and rogue is also better at lamplighter abuse.
That was my whole point that other classes are using the same busted stuff better than Mage does and have more powerful battlecry legendaries to support the game plan.
Priest easily steals your Incindius and plays it back a dozen times through Ra-den and gets double turn of Zamiri (sp?) all other classes breaking the game with their legendaries was my main point.

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