Mage destroyed yet AGAIN

Even pro-players will stop playing mage in wild mode!! The owner of the game didn’t understand his own game, congratulations Blizzard for this type of mercenary and incompetent company that you have always been!!

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Pro players and wild don’t go in the same sentence xD

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Mage is destory but warrior raised to the top alongside hunter.

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I hate to deliver unwelcome news, but the one who’s meant to have fun when playing a deck is the person actually playing it, not the opponent.

A late combo-turn deck like Quest Mage wasn’t a genuine problem as long as players had the ability to recognize patterns indicating imminent defeat after it’s played. And you know, simply press the button on the bottom right of the screen and go next, rather than crying about it after.

What’s the difference between depriving your opponent of their turn and simply outright killing them, both by turn 5, for example? I’ll tell you; there isn’t one.

There was no right in destroying Quest Mage except providing the man-children of their lollipop so they can stop whining.

Brilliant, you answered yourself :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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I don’t think I’ll ever reply to you again.
Your presence doesn’t seem geared toward genuine conversation but rather maintaining an unfunny persona. Bye.

Wild is so much better its not even close.

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Wild players always try to push this narrative, while standard players don’t care.
Despite your apparent confidence, your demeanor suggests insecurity.

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Can’t believe they nerfed Snake Oil. Rainbow mage was the only deck with at least a chance of winning, and they flat out destroyed the deck.

Of course, Hunter was not nerfed, can’t touch Hunter because all the Chinese players on their mobile phones want 2 minute wins.


I enjoy the game not the forum, is full of mind stressed people like you :smile::smile: don’t reply :point_up::relieved:

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Once again blizzard decided to nerf a tier 4 mage deck.
The bias is evident.

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Standard players always push a narrative of indifference concerning wild…

Despite their apparent confidence, their demeanor begs to wonder… “Am I missing out”


I’m indifferent concerning wild because that’s not where most of the players are, and thats not where pro tournaments are.

If there were, I’d be playing that.

Also, if someone asked me which mode is more fun, I’d say it’s probably Wild, although I haven’t played it in …well, 6+ years

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I’m really feeling the absence of rogues playing their entire deck by turn 2 and swarming the board with 8/8s.
Definitely missing out on the fun, aren’t I?

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No, it was Tier 3. Sophie is right, it had a chance of winning.

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Vicious syndicate shows it as tier 4 in the last report before the changes, in all ranks.


Hmm. I’ll give it to you for D4-1.

Technically they put it in Tier 4 for top Legend, but it was the very top deck in Tier 4 so I’m counting that as basically Tier 3. But D4-1 matters more anyway.

In any case it was still the class’s best deck.

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Almost never see that deck, have lost to it. Sure…

Not a deterrent tho.

A challenge.

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agreed 100%, even though I approve of the nerf to TW.
I really hope this exposes Team 5 enough that they either restore some cards, or buff some for mage. Doing both would be excellent.

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Unacceptable. If you approve of the nerf then the nerf isn’t biased to you. You need to decide if this nerf was good or bad and if it’s good then you need to praise them for doing it

Protip: nerf was bad

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