Made legend as jackpot rogue this week

I certainly didn’t expect to since I’m depending upon rng on rng and going against perfectly synergized decks. I really just play it for the random kookiness.

I’ve gotten legend before; way back when the game started as a handlock (both pre and post nerf) and last year I tossed together an imp/curse warlock and made it.

I pretty much just aim for diamond-5 backstop and play to pass the time.

Did you liek my story?


Oh I read that wrong. The title should have been…

Made legend making my own deck and not looking up decks online this week.

No one lieks your story OR your spelling

Sounds liek ur having trouble making rank even playing babypunch OP fotm imba cheese.

Well, all I can say is keep at it. As Henry Ford once said “whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right.”

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Hahahah this dude is definitely a p phile. :joy::joy::joy:🫵🏻