Loving this game, but yet feeling so hopeless

I’ve said it too many times. I don’t know what it is I don’t see, but for some reason I get the distinct feeling that I sort of suck at this game. Which is really too bad as I love Hearthstone. For example, for the last 7-10 days I have only placed top 4 in like 1 out of 10 bg’s. Like wtf? Just now had a really great group going. I was beating people. The people who beat me weren’t OP compared with me. I was 3rd when 2 had been eliminated, but then I run into player in 1st place who has double my stats on EVERY minion he has. Two pirates with swipe and I’m literally dead with a 25 point hit to my hero when I didn’t even kill one of his minions. Like so again I wasn’t being way outplayed to that particular bg except for that guy. Like the heck does that dude see I don’t? I had the sylvanas hero, and tons of mechs with 1 minion in my hand being buffed to crap and then playing that and getting another minion going. 3 triples, but yet out 6th, which again has been my streak lately. 6500 rating now after 2 weeks ago being 7100.

Then in ranked wild, seems like no matter what deck I play I am not ever going to get to gold 10. I guess it really doesn’t matter as I will never get to legend or even diamond. One I don’t play that many matches to get to diamond or higher. Two I always buy all the cards at the start of the xpac so yeah diamond 10 would give me more dust and if I could consistently hit diamond 10 I would have had a LOT more dust over these past 9 years. But I am a casual player and in truth I like when I do win 3 in a row in ranked, but then I’ll hit a snag and lose 3 in a row. I know that no one can win more than 60% of the time as no deck will always win. Zerg will beat a player who can’t draw anything, but then again some other strategy will be strong against zerg. But I tell you when they make it so freaking hard to climb ranked and you get into a 3 loss streak it almost becomes paralyzing to even go for another match.

Am I alone in this?


You need the cards for standard ladder (or wild). Pay with money or time.

Old hearthstone the expansions were less frequent and you could slowly build a collection based on free packs and casual rates of play.

The game is only free to try.

You are not alone in this feeling. However, I would point out a couple things and suggest some other things, if I may.

This isnt that unusual to be honest. Given that everyone with a MMR rank above 6k get to share the same matchmaking pools, (which is truly broken imo) you can be paired with someone with ungodly high MMR I didnt think was possible like 15k MMR and with me, who hover between 6k and 6.1k. So given that the odds of the lobby you get put into can swing heavily one way or another or just be evenly spread in terms of MMRs it isnt surprising to not see top 4 once you are in the 6k+ MMR matchmaking pool. I get my 1st place match maybe once a week at best. top 4 maybe twice. and the normal is usually all the rest are 5th and lower. So there is a little rhyme to the reason and method to the seeming madness you are encountering. However you shouldnt see it as you sucking at the game. But instead, that the lobbies you are put into have a lot of folk that touch a lot less grass than you have. lol.

Also i find it helps to remind myself that when I started the BG Match that it is so on the nose blatant about it being a casino slot machine style game to play. And the Refresh button is the figurative lever to pull and hope you get all 7s (whatever that perfect next pick you want it to be) SO when I lose and never find what I was pulling the lever for all those times, that its just a casino game designed to have odds that favor the house. It may not be comforting in any regard, but it does ease that angst away by blaming a slot machine for the loss instead of anything I could have done different that never became an option ever.

That is super applaudable! For real kudos for that! I myself have just reached Silver 2. It has been a long and tedious climb but I am proud of my progress seeing how last month I only got to Bronze 5, and before that I hadnt gotten above bronze 10 for about 3 + years. Dont sell yourself short, you are incredibly good to be able to climb that high in the constructed game.

I know that frustration and that sudden wave of apathy to doing anything beyond that point. SO I mix it up when this happens. I will start my day in a standard match, hopefully get a win, but if not I then play a bg match to cleanse my pallete. Regardless of the game result there I then swap to duels. This is my most frustrating place as I often go 0-3 but on occasion I have gotten as high as 3 to 7 but only ever completed a 12 win run once. ever. Ive been playing duels well over a year now. and in ranked Duels most Ive ever won was 3 wins in a run. But once this circuit is done, unless I won my duels match, I will circle back to the regular hs match. This routine helps me from getting all angsty, depressed, keyboard smashingly angry, or super vulgar lol.

Not at all. But most of the forum commenters wont post anything seeing from that point of view normally. In fact a few will claim you are a troll for what you;ve posted in the first post of this thread as it goes completely against they experiences. I try to ignore them but they make it difficult sometimes. But no, you are not alone.

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