Loss after loss after loss

This month is terrible and i’m about to quit the damn game.

Twist mode, win one match, rest is all losses.

Standard mode, win one match, loss pretty much the rest of the games

If this is how matchmaking is supposed to work, then the developer should be fired.


The matchmaker is sure being funny this month, I agree.


all the streamers and elite players were probably complaining they weren’t getting to legendary quick enough.

Trying to enjoy the game more. But stuff like this is just frustrating and makes it no fun.


I have read the thing about the MM but don’t understand what ppl are talking about… it is the same like it was before… the problem is not the MM… the balance… Reno needs counter or serious nerf really fast because a lot of decks started to use Fizzle with it to get even more… not to mention removers which should not even exist… shame on the developers thats right… not the MM is garbage… the game is…

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Curiously enough something has changed…Today I conceeded 50 games in a row, and tried to win the 51 in battlegrounds, still didn’t win or got any tripple or anything of value. That was my test, it was only like 40 minutes and was enough to cause me serious stomach diseases which ended up in me vomiting multiple times, and some serious trauma regarding why I like to be a masochist for playing this garbage for that long.

But yea, probably Blizzard did something to remove the rigged algorithm, that everyone knows it doesn’t exist and the game is not rigged. Who knows

They have an 11 star bonus. This is the first. Secondly, what’s worse is that at the Legend rank they are immediately given the same place where they were (approximately). Therefore, the top 100 does not change. But of course these people are strong, but they don’t need to make extra efforts. This strengthens them even more. But that’s not even the point, there’s really something wrong with the selection of opponents.

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Bro, I think you need to consider visiting your therapist

Keep in mind that this isn’t just posting your Ls, this guy thinks that he’s doing science. He’s proud of this

No way, dude’s too expensive…

I will just sit here and listen to Scrots since he seems to know better what I am doing and thinking, this will probably end up to be more cheaper, even more cheaper than him.

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