Losing streaks fix

I get it, sometimes it’s bad luck and sometimes it’s bad timing, but c’mon. Fix your algorithm. Once someone hits a ten game losing streak, lower their competition.
I’m currently on loss #16.
And make an option for permanent silencing of taunts. Nothing like being stomped ten times and having the opponent gloating over what is obviously an easy victory.


Are you playing wild or ranked? I usually get 3-5 lose streaks. I play wild tho. I’ve also played my deck a ton, vs about everything. I know what cards are gonna be drawn by the poop algorithm, and make adjustments accordingly. But I play super aggressively, even with decks that aren’t aggro. I just make sure the enemy’s HP is less than mine, preferably 0. Side note: when I played WoW, that’s how I gauged if I could defeat an enemy. Either i balanced our health drop, or I ran. It’s about understanding what you can or cannot do.

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I’m just having a really bad weekend.
Ironically, I share a BG losing streak with my Wow account, but I’m Alliance, so that is to be expected.
Yeah, ZERO wins all weekend.

So how does MMR work? Losing games should lower the MMR which then pits you against easier decks and opponents right?

Or is losing games and lowering MMR only for the next month?

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Obviously not working if it’s in place. I’ve lost six matches since my last post. :confused:

Oh, and I’m playing wild because I just came back after about eight months and I don’t have many of the new cards.

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Just lost 112 games deliberately at diamond 5. Testing the theory to see if Blizz indeed matches you based on MMR, or it’s just rubbish.

Not sure if it’s fixed at beginning of the month though so if that’s the case, my MMR will only be lowered next month.

No harm trying since I get xp anyway. Took me three days.

Btw, conclusion - even after more than 100 losses, I’m still meeting meta decks and also skills are good. So I don’t think that MMR thing is true (at least not applicable for current month). MMR tanking doesn’t work.

Edit: update below. I had an easier climb this month and just hit legend.


LOL my first win was someone who wasn’t happy with their opening hand and conceded.
Kinda makes it worse somehow.

EDIT: Dear God I won a match.
Time to buy a lottery ticket.


Define “deliberately.” Hearthstone’s MMR system has safeguards built into them that prevent your MMR from getting too low. That way you can’t hit your target rank, then concede a thousand games to tank your MMR to face less skilled opponents next season.

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Ah darn. i thought it was a good trick. Anyway deliberately means purposely.

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I know what deliberately means. I meant, how did you lose the games? It’s possible that there are other safeguards so that, for example, you lose less MMR if you auto-concede a bunch of games, as opposed to playing a game through and losing.

Mind you, I don’t know if that’s actually true, but it’s possible.

Oh I see. I played a few cards and then conceded, so that i get the XP too. I didn’t concede right at the start. In this way, it also helped my opponents to rank up and also they get XP.

A few times I conceded right before my lethal kill strike and the opponent added me to ask me why and thanked me.

Someone on the forum told me about this trick so I decided to try since I can help some people rank up and also get my XP. I dont think it worked though for this season cos I am meeting equally tough matches. not sure about next season, but you are right they built a “floor” for MMR based on rank. I just read about it.


I should note this doesn’t apply to battlegrounds. You can totally tank that to the point you only play against bots. Good way to get the harder achievements like the AFK or tabbycat ones.

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was me Norte…also i just saw madmax post…i didn’t know about the limit on tanking the mmr…thought that was unlimited(at least it definetly was 2-3 year back)…some streamer did show legend vs bronze

if acti updated and change the way it work since i was not aware…assuming there is a safeguard to how much you can tank up your mmr now…25-30 lost instead of 100 should cut it…i apologize for the outdated information…and if what Max said is correct…that mean you cant devalue your match up to an extreme point where they be entirely faceroll…nonetheless thats still an edge to progress with more ease

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Ah thanks for letting me know. Haha. Great pleasure meeting you! I wish HS got more players like you who are so nice. Many people are quite toxic so it’s a refreshing change :slight_smile:

Actually not sure if it works but no harm trying. Sometimes Blizz dont explain everything, so always good to try out!


Um… learn to play? Sure I have my loses, but I have my wins too. Pretty balanced but slightly in favor of wins. This isn’t a Blizzard fix your game it’s a player issue. You talk and sound like a loser. It’s people like you that have made the gaming industry terrible; wow included. Needing blizzard to fix their game. Go fix yourself or quit. Watch some YouTube videos. Read up on deck builds and what classes can do. Stop asking Blizzard to baby your needs.

“You lost” not Blizzards fault. It’s yours. Git gud.

Wow, talk about toxic…


To those who might be interested, I shared that I tanked my MMR deliberately last season, losing many games at the end of the season just to test the theory.

I had a smooth climb this month with just one single deck in wild at 64% win rate, and just hit legend. Not sure if tanking MMR is the reason but just reporting back to you guys who might be interested to try. Quite early in the season so my legend rank is 981.

Got the suckiest legendary in this set though - Plaguemaw.

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I thought D5 -D1 matches you automatically with others at D5+? i don’t recall where i read that, but i believe the MMR is more specific like that at D5

gratz on Legend…i reached Legend 17 in my case today…possibly appear at 18-20 if you go take at look to the leaderboard(nother player may have farm more wins to get ahead while i dont play)

hope the swampy dude hasn’t fled the forum though XD gotta eat socks soup if i finish month in top 100 XD(he agreed to it(a bet)) + he agreed to respect top 300 players too as a second bonus :slight_smile:

i be off to sleep…btw not a good idea to necro threads :S

ghostpants: the system pair you with someone between 300-1000 mmr of your range…the variant differ base on your mmr…the above number is a rough estimation of what i seen during my time at Legend…i’am certain it cap at 800 but…its not possible to check the actual variant of lower mmr players but i can be certain it wont cross the 1000 threshold…that would be a too huge gap if it did