Losing rank when winning as legend

This makes no sense, why am I losing rank as legend when winning?

Come on Blizzard you can do better than this.

Other people won in the time that you won, and some of them passed you.


It’s not good game design, it’s as simple as that.

I understand not climbing, but your rank shouldn’t go down.

Your mmr climbed, but your rank may not have. Rank is just comparative mmr. For instance, you can gain 20 mmr 3 times: gain only a few ranks on the first one, stay where you are on the second one, then gain a bunch of ranks on the last one because you passed several legend players’ mmr. That said, I don’t get why they don’t just let you see the mmr. Other digital ccgs do.

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This is how the concept of MMR works everywhere. How long are these games? Are you saying people should have to get in line when they are winning games faster but you started ahead?

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Because you may be at the legend rank, but you still aren’t very good and people with better MMR are passing you as the month goes on.

So when people better than you join the legend ranks they should all get in line behind you even if their MMR is significantly better than yours?

Beat better players and it won’t happen anymore.

It happend to me as well basically your mmr is low keep playing and win more then you lose eventually the game wll realise you are a better player and adjust your mmr and when your mmr improve it wil get to the point where you gain ranks instead of losing or worst case scenario you drop till your mmr eventualy stabalises and you where get ranks for your wins.

I am sure you wil get there eventualy :slight_smile:

Maybe the OP doesn’t understand you can’t share rank?

If you’re number 30 and 20 people pass you, you’re now in 50th place. Correct?

Edit: IIRC the 1st time I ever hit Legend I came in at 2300 or some crap.

By the time the month ended I was like 10,000 I think.

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I get to Legend and then make wacky decks to test out (usually nonviable) mechanics that never see play.

IMO unless you’re a streamer there isn’t any good reason to care about rank in Legend; there is nothing else to accomplish reward-wise, so why not have fun.

I do the same. No wonder my Mmr is bad.

it happened to me in bronze… wtf, i`m winning half more but i keep going down???

Not possible, you gain 1 star (or more) when you win and you lose 1 star when you lose. It could be the edge phenomenon that confuses a lot of people, where winning at 3 stars puts you to 1 star next rank but losing after that sends you to 0, and losing at 0 stars puts you at 2 stars previous rank but winning after that puts you at 3.

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MMR is dumb, sorry but it is… You should be playing people within xx amount of your current rank period. Not based on some MMR that can be manipulated and abused.