Losing cards in game

Wat kind off a bull chit game has this become. I diddent play for a coupple off weeks. Now i want to play again and i lost 2 cards. The game says i dont have them when i did play with them in the past. Now i need to remake them. Really guys. Is this the way you guys make money ripping off players? Lovely

There was a card rotation the last weeks and also the core set was changed.

If you had core cards inside your decks then it’s possible that they are missing now.

Which cards are you missing exactly?

Alextrasa and Y’sara. They did something with the game

“At the start of every Hearthstone year, a new Core Set will take the place of the previous, comprised of new and existing cards. When that happens, Core cards that are rotating will be swapped with new ones in the player’s Collection automatically. The original versions of these cards can still be crafted and disenchanted, but the player will be unable to keep their Core versions”

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