Lord Marrowgar Gone?

After the update today, the card lord marrowgar is gone from my collection. Did they delete this card? I had it, now it says i dont.

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After today’s update, these cards are either missing or unusable. There are others also missing or unusable, below is a samle list.
DK: Missing from collection x2 Possessifier, x1 Lord Marrowgar
Priest: Cards in my collection, but unusable x2 Drakonoid, x2 Shard of Naaru.
Not 100% sure, but I think those two Priest cards are missing the Golden versions - how do i check for missing Gold cards?

Hearthstone year changed , so Core set changed , and all given for free temporary loaned cards are take back …
more info here

check the Core Card Shakeups part , you can find some graphics of cards that may be removed , and other that was added …

edit: this BIG image resume all

edit2: is possible you have a real owned card , in that case removing old core and replacing it should fix the deck , if after removing the card you can’t find it in collection , it means you never owned a “real” copy of it.


lol i paid a crap load for my cards. i dont remember any “loaned” cards lol


every hearthstone year change this happens , you will see multiple reports of card missing in the forums , and all reports will tell card missing from the “leaving core” i posted on top.

Im a simple player so i can’t know if you opened them in a pack , or you just found them for free in collection , all i know is ages it works like that, blizzard did nothing to make clearly visible some are temporary cards , and always happens that people feel sad they lost card without a reason.

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hmmm but its strange for me, I just started playing and it said that I can keep one complete deck to add to my collection, I choose the Plaguebringer deck, and now Lord Marrowgar is missing there so I got a bit scammazed when it said “you can keep one deck”


I’m lost as I cannot find the Marrowgar card at all. How do I search for cards in the deck. Was fine yesterday but claimed I dont own it now.

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If I search for him in my collection, in wild, in crafting, he shows up there as craftable. However, I’m seeing on the wiki that I should have him because I completed the Death Knight Prologue.

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Im having the same issue. The thing is i bought the Undead rune set when the Lich King came out that included Marrowgar with gold. But now hes gone? So if i bought it with real money Blizzard would just rob me of this? WTF?!

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Marrowgar is now in the legacy set and has to be crafted.
Legacy set is not available to be played in standard format though.

Remember that Wikis are not an official source and can be outdated. Especially when you look at them the very day of a year shift update.

Those decks often include cards form the core set.
These specific cards may be gone but they have been replaced by other cards you now have access to.

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You’re supposed to change from the bot DK to the bot Rogue now

Everyone who’s purchased decks or expansions have. However, core cards that rotate into the core set are for 12 months. So if you did not own a copy of the card prior to it becoming apart of the core set, when any rotate out, you will no longer have a copy of it.

That’s why we are unable to dust them when they are in the current core set.

this is the same for me. i think it was a reward for questing on this game.

you paid nothing for the free cards

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The problem is people paid something and lost access.

Those cards were available for purchase through one method or another, but because it was in the core it was never marked as owned. Similar thing happens when one unlocks core cards via class achievement. It was earned/owned but never marked as such because the system saw it already owned in the core set.

I’m in a similar boat. I bought the DK decks, which gave me access to all the cards in them, but the now missing cards were in the core set. Core rotates and I no longer have the cards I paid for. Even the twisted decks with Reno and C’thun gave me duplicates of the legendaries I already owned, so the decks by design DO give the cards.

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i did lose a lot of the death knight cards listed above with the core rotation, but I didn’t lose marrowgar. Maybe because I had the signature version of him.

I’m trying to figure out what decks you bought. Are you referring to the ones you get when you unlock the Path of Arthas set?

When March of the Lich King launches, there will also be a one-time, separate Death Knight-only set available to help Death Knights catch up with the other classes, called the Path of Arthas. The Path of Arthas is 26 distinct Death Knight cards* that are designed to be combined with the Death Knight Core set cards to form three Death Knight starter decks that you can immediately take onto the ladder.

source: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23852696
If those are the decks you mean then the cards you paid for were the Path of Arthas ones, not the Core ones.

You paid a load of nothing for the free, loaned cards

Loaned cards?? How long has this been going on? I must be deaf, blind and dumb … until now, i have never heard of a “loaned card.” Anyhow, this is disturbing, If HearthStone is going to have temporary loaned cards; these should be clearly identified in the collection. These Loaned Cards should have something that distinguishes them from the other cards in a personal collection to help avoid this kind of confusion. HOW ELSE DOES A PERSON KNOW WHETHER OR NOT THE CARD WAS OWNED OR NOT? NOBODY REMEMBERS EVERY CARD THEY PURCHASED; PLEASE CLEARLY IDENTIFY THE LOANED FROM THE OWNED, THIS WOULD HELP A LOT.
IF you wanted to take a simple game and turn it into a convoluted bag of frustrations … this would be the way.

Sorry you weren’t paying attention. The core set is free to all players, and is basically a loan. They don’t walk up to you and make a big deal about “here, I’m loaning these to you until the end of the year” or anything, they’re just there. And once a year some of them change.

How do you know if you own it? If it says “core” it’s a free one that you don’t own. If you filter your collection by any other set and you still see the card, you own it.

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