Long time player returning to check game out

So i used to play Hearthstone for a long time and decided to take a 4 ish year break and recently came back… I now understand why this game is dying and losing players by the day… Heres my experience.

I bought the full expansion pack and crafted myself a solid agroo deck and decided to climb ladder… Most of the match ups i saw in both Diamond and Platinum rank were pretty much the same 2-3 classes everyone running this absolutely horrid version of priest that copies your entire decks and games go for almost 30 + minutes for easily 20+turns … Even WHEN I WON the game felt incredibly slow and dissatisfying … This itself wouldn’t be a problem except almost half of the games i faced in the diamond ladder where exactly like this… This made the entire climbing experience seriously boring and painfully slow to the point that today after 1 hour today (2 games lol) I legit uninstalled the game. I think this is terrible design for a card game not because some of the decks were overpowered or anything (because a lot of the time i did win as mentioned) but because i literally felt hostage to what felt like a super slow boring grind to where after i literally have to play the game for 2+ hours to add 3 stars in my ranking lol… Im not super competitive or meta player (never was) just wanted to share my experience as a regular joe coming in to try the game after 4 years and attempting to climb. I went in expecting thrilling and exciting 10-15 minute games instead I got 2 game per hour snooze fest. Just disappointing to see. Thank you for reading