Lol the lottery of HS

I’ve seen less RNG at a casino. This game has become a total gatcha game for whales and no talent trolls that can’t actually play skill based games, why even have turn timers anymore? Just enter game Randomize a result allocate a win to a player depending on the deck they cut and paste from online and get on to the next match, why waste time even playing anymore. Just a matter of time until the game becomes one of those afk games.
lol i wait all the hateful trolls trying to defend the money they sank into this game to feel good about paying to win and being a scrub.


maybe it was just as you say, in reality here it is much worse, in a casino you know that everything is random while here it is really controlled by blizzard, on specific algorithms that block excess win streak, which modify your rng based on how much you pay, and in the same way they act on matchmaking, so here we are in the presence of a total mockery of those who play who have a planetary extension never seen for videogames, here we are in the presence of a total defeat of the concept of “videogame” as a system of entertainment to amuse that was still present until 10/15 years ago


I dont thing its algoritmus. I made my own deck and after night im in ledend. Learn counter this toxic decks and you will win :smiley: I never copy decks im not sheep. Its boring to copy deckc who somebody made becouse i now im better :smiley:

I learned a long time ago Blizzard goes out of it’s way to punish anyone who tries to think while playing their games.