Lol, now blizzard is suspending people over dust

Yeah, you’re right!
If you’re not making up fake scenarios; then going on to fully believe them in reality, then you’re a moron!
Like, let’s be real. My imagination is my third-eye.
I’m imagining you, right now, wearing a tinfoil hat and sitting in a dank basement surrounded by empty bottles of vodka; so, it must be true???
OH! WAIT?! That’s technically a conspiracy? Well, then I guess we need DEFINITIVE PROOF to say I’m wrong? Dang, that sucks. Who’s to say you’re any different? News flash; you’re not.
You’re just a troll posting cringe that resides out of the realm of definitive facts.
Guess what? That makes you a conspiracy-theorist

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Who suck-ups to whom, what powerful people are doing behind the scene, we will never know for sure. What is sure with 99.999999% of certainty is where there is money there is corruption. There is no conspiracy, it is just the human condition.

Where there are people, there is corruption.