Lol, now blizzard is suspending people over dust

probably they will get their dust/ resources somehow.

Yep. I can confirm this. I just got finished a suspension, mine was 24 hours, for calling Blizzard out for stealing dust that I grinded for.

I have less dust now than when Dust Gate started. I crafted nothing. Blizzard has closed my ticket with the answer of they don’t screw up and I can go get lost. They don’t care.

I agree with Haffax. I hope Microsoft cleans house of the entire lot of thieves.


I have worked in the game industry off and on for 20 years.

I have never seen a bugfix/refund/whatever one wants to call this debacle handled as badly as Blizzard has chosen to handle this.

At best this is a debacle that shows how little Blizzard management cares about their players.

At worst it may be an actual robbery - of players’ time, good faith, and hard work.

Don’t hold your breath. There’s a reason why Microsoft is the investor of choice here.

Remember, both Bill Gates and Bobby Kotick have been directly connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Neither man has been indicted or even criminally investigated. And Epstein’s ring has nosebleed-level connections, including to two Presidents directly, and indirectly to every Administration since at least 1988.

“I was told to back off…that he [Epstein] belonged to [U.S.] intelligence.” --Alex Acosta, 27th United States Secretary of Labor

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just stay silent, don’t brag about spending your dust before they are taken away.

“Blizz policy is to not discuss reasons for discipline”

but Jaina Proudboobs can discipline me anytime!

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I got double dust spent them all before they could take them back and haven’t got a punishment. Guessing the guy did something else to get suspended

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All it takes to be suspended is call out Blizzard for stealing. They are thieves.

Is there any evidence that players are being suspended for this specifically? I’m not trying to defend T5 here. I am somewhat skeptical, however. All I’ve seen is someone on Reddit that was suspended, but it could’ve been for anything.

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I got a notification for 5600 free dust when I logged in after not playing for a week. I checked my dust total and they must of sorted it out because my dust total was the same as when I left it at 2800. The people that chose to spend the fake dust got what they deserved imo. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”. People that intentionally crafted a multitude of free legendarys were trying to exploit a bug in the game. Exploiting is grounds for suspension. Since when does blizzard just hand out massive quantities of free dust? People that abused the bug and cry need to use their brain and quit assuming they can exploit without being caught.

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Source on this negative warning?

The team is able to send people to negative Gold for various reasons (like refunds). I think they can do the same with Dust if you spend it before they revoke the second grant. We haven’t discussed what’ll happen yet, so this is no comment on what *will* happen, just what *can*

— Nicholas “DeckTech” Weiss (@hsdecktech) January 19, 2022

Yeah, I dont think it is related.

It’s time to put the bottle down and go to bed dude

Are you talking to me? Are you the one who just reported my post on Kotick’s executives’ military-industrial ties and got it flagged?

Maybe some of YOU need to put this GAME down for awhile and go to bed - or just actually start taking an interest in the world around you and caring when corporations get corrupt and go bad.

Put your tinfoil hat back on, man.
Your post was flagged for obvious reasons.
This is a HearthStone forums page, not a conspiracy-theory-sharing site.

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What “conspiracy theory”?

One of Kotick’s execs is a former ClA executive involved in a shady arms deal Pompeo made, who is currently subjecting striking Blizz union organizers to harassing phone calls. Another one is a torture apologist.

Do you think these facts are unrelated to Blizzard’s terrible treatment of its players right now?

Or do you just not care because you’re spoiled and lazy?

A lot of gamers in this world are not great people, sad to say.

This company is being run by some pretty terrible people right now, “Emerica”.

That’s why we’re seeing all these screw-ups, all this disrespect to the players, and the exploitative business model currently in place.

If you want to stand in the way of talking about that, don’t pretend to me that you’re on the side of the angels here.

Not that I want to argue, but my personal experience shows that bad people (as persons) are the ones who run businesses better. This is not something new, that’s all about principles and moral decisions.

After all, we have no idea if Bobby is a great friend or father as we as customers know just a part of his personality.

He is right to post that. We live in 2022, if you are not a “conspiracy theorist” then you are behind the times. It is absolutely a pertinent post which shows how deep corruption runs in the private business world.

Welcome to the great awakening friend