Lifesteal Needs to Go

That’s it. Just remove it from the game.

Half the classes have direct access to give Lifesteal and spoiled for choice while others have one or two possible cards.

I don’t care about heal cards that provide some direct healing but to give a minion the ability to heal outside neutral legendaries is the definition of unfun.

That is all.

Stange. They balanced lifesteal back in heroes of the storm by making it a hard cap of 25% of attack is regained as health. Wonder why they didn’t do that here

The current card that is just overpowered with it, is the copied Zilliax. The shamans can even make 4 of them now; shaman is probably the next target of nerfs; this game is terribly designed to need nerfs every week.

Yes, because the game is still full of unfair mechanics which should not even exists… but these developers can’t test out things properly before releasing them… Yes, we still play a game which need nerfs every week and when done, they do it wrong mostly… I think the problem with nerfs is this, they are just thinking about what needs to be nerfed… but don’t have time to think what kind of consequences will follow the changes they are planning to make… how the related mechanics will work after. :roll_eyes:

Life steal is fine. You sound Like the kind of player who uses trash cards because they look cool. Why is your entire win con destroyed by a life steal minion? Sounds like bad deck design and worse deck piloting.

Remember when Guardian of Kings was cool because Paladins can heal as part of their class identity and it was like a Paladin minion that could heal you? That was an awesome time in Hearthstone

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No and everyone who ever thought this was bad when they thought it. Almost all nostalgia is rooted in the fact that new players are often too stupid to actually understand how bad things are, and that old players actually trust the opinions of their former selves. They shouldn’t. Memory is narrative, not truth.

isnt this a joke thread ?

OP nick is spanish for "i joke "



Maybe, but not in this case

Maybe, but not in this case

I fully understood how “bad” Guardian of Kings was. Notice I never said it was good anyway. I said it was cool. I mean I know you are quite bad at reading comprehension so I try to be patient with you but you really gotta step it up

The only comment I’d have for LS is for how much is taken. I’d much prefer the amount stolen is the amount of life available. So, if a 1/1 with LS hits a 1/1 minion, they get 1 hp. Cool. But if a 2/1 with LS hits a 1/1, it’d make sense for only one hp to be stolen as that’s all there is.

I also don’t really care, but if I had to toss in an idea, that would be it. I don’t think LS is OP, tho I will say I hated that DH deck a couple years ago.

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