Lifebindr Linecracker Bees Earthscales Eclipse Dew Process

Omg is it even possible to beat this Druid when they get 100 bagajillion armor?

Oh yeah then they just shuffle jade idols so they never fatigue anyway wtf?

I die from major fatigue I had 100 damage on board for several turns but guess what this durid still had 99 bakagillion armor

Technically speaking they barely can go over 2 billions :eyes:

Just counter the armor and kill them

Please tell me how to counter 100 bakrillion atrmor?

Common · Minion · Descent of Dragons · Battlecry: Destroy your opponent

Legendary · Minion · Showdown in the Badlands · Battlecry: Your hero steals 7 Health from the enemy hero.

Legendary · Spell · United in Stormwind · Questline: Play a 2, 3, and 4-Cost card. Reward: Discover a card from your deck.

undefined · HeroPower · Knights of the Frozen Throne · Summon a 2/2 Horseman. If you have all 4, destroy the enemy hero.

Legendary · Minion · The Boomsday Project · Deathrattle: If you have no cards in your deck, hand, and battlefield, destroy the enemy hero.

Legendary · Minion · March of the Lich King · Deathrattle: Shuffle the other 3 Horsemen into your deck.

Legendary · Spell · Whizbang


I can’t imagine surviving Wild playing non-meta decks or even that without some tech expecting meta decks.

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None of those cards are good, why would I use them? No one plays this stupid deck. They survived because of ferocious howl and frost blossom and pendant of discovery and poison seeds and crystal cluster taunt spreading swarm taunt things like that then they reduce all their cards with lifebinding gift and they use linecracker and bees and bees and lightning bloom and solar eclipse and earthen scales to get a majigillion aroma that is how they survive, they do nothing and survive then they solar eclipse dew process and dew process and they just shuffle and play increasingly large green men idk what is so difficult to understand about how it works it just does and omg ugh

Rivendare is far from beeing bad, you can play actual decks with it
I homerewd one that could surely be optimized and it can already otk turn 6
Not every single deck can beat every other deck

Not saying that it should be a consistent thing that druid just reaches billions of armor.
But options exist.