Libram Paladin is ridiculously op

If blizzard is not nerfing Libram Paladin there is something really wrong at the balancing station…
looks like hearhstone is kinda dead for me at this point.


nice tier 2 deck with 51,37 % winrate at high legend

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60%+ at low ranks. At diamond 5+ starts dropping to 50% even 49% in legend. Its just a noob stomp deck.

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What % of players are at high legend (hint the answer is in the question).

But Im sure you and libram pally deck already know that :wink:

Its not a bad deck by any means but quite beatable I suppose. I do it on a priest and mage regularly. idk about other classes though, but I would be curious if any aggro decks can actually beat it besides soul fragment DH.

the fact that the winrate drops soo much in high ranks compared to low ranks actually gives a very easy answer. the deck isnt broken, when players know how to play optimally against it while piloting better decks its fairly easy to beat. which means if a player just decides to learn to play better instead of complaining then the deck wont be an issue.


yea sad im playing soul fragment DH, and i dont have enough dust to craft me another deck , im simply loosing every game against Pala atm. gets on my nerves

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Maybe you shouldn’t look for a scapegoat in a rock, scissor, paper game then?

I am sorry but what am i supposed to do against someone who buffs his cards by 8/8 and then turn 6 plays two argent then have 3 14/16 at the end of the turn 6?


depends on deck, but the usual strategy is to play for tempo and take value trades so they have cant play greedy with their buffs and have no suitable buff targets with immediate payoff


A lot of nerf calls recently for paladin.

The only change I’d make right now for paladin is that 1/3 1 drop needs to be 1/2. It does too much for a 1 drop, reducing libram cost by 1 and being a well statted 1/3 minion. The next turn it’s buffed it becomes a 3/5 minion on turn 2. Would be a lot easier to kill if it was a 3/4 minion. Maybe the card even needs to be a 1/1.

Libram paladin has too strong of an early game for how strong the rest of their game is. It’s really only because of that short sighted change to make the basic libram minion to a 1/3.


Demon hunter has plenty counters for paladin. Its not hard counter though. I don’t think there are hard counters in this game. DH has the tools to deal with paladin. In fact the last time I checked paladin’s lowest win rate was vs DH. Tech the silence and the silence rush minion. This is the deck I been hoping on when I wanna trash mages and Paladin’s

Soul Demon Mage Hunter

Class: Demon Hunter

Format: Standard

Year of the Phoenix

2x (1) Spirit Jailer

2x (1) Twin Slice

2x (2) Blade Dance

2x (2) Chaos Strike

2x (2) Soul Shear

2x (2) Wandmaker

2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades

2x (3) Magehunter

2x (3) Shardshatter Mystic

1x (4) Kayn Sunfury

1x (4) Maiev Shadowsong

2x (4) Marrowslicer

2x (5) Glaivebound Adept

1x (5) Kobold Stickyfinger

2x (5) Soulshard Lapidary

2x (6) Skull of Gul’dan

1x (7) Soulciologist Malicia


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

If you are wondering about the sticky finger it can be switched to oose if you want. It was just helpful and more fun vs Bomb warrior’s they generally just rage quit when you use it.

I don’t know, maybe play Vanish?

Build your deck around it and you will beat libram paladin.
I can imagine alot of counters in rogue, mage, priest, shaman, paladin. I think most of the classes can build around libram paladin.

As i am trying to get 500 wins with priest i have not much problem with Libram paladin at all. Unless my draw is horrible ofc. So play priest?

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I am about 50/50 with face hunter on Pallies.

I love Libram Paladin &
Pure Paladin &
Libram Pure Paladin

I just acquired a golden Turalyon, the Tenured legendary. Works really great in my Pally decks now.

Throwing Lady Lidarin in and getting back a 3 cost libram of hope is pretty sick or getting 2x 3 cost LOH i have won games just with Lady Lidarin late game. Feels broken sometimes.

I am scared if they throw in 1 or 2 more librams in the next couple expansions

They are not going to add more libram cards. They are exclusive for aoa

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This game is such total trash now.

Libram Paladin takes not a drop of skill yet is very strong because Team 5 sucks at their job. There are several cards that were added in this trash expansion that have no place in the game, certainly not Standard play.

But whatever, this game is mostly just full of pricks and losers nowadays anyway.