Libram of divinity in little broken

Im not saying it needs some major nerf, but the cards effect is alittle broken with it being possible for it to cost zero which is easy to do and then get and endless supply of them every turn. Then mixed with Lady Liadrin so you can get 4 copies of the card to play is pretty bad.

Its even worse when you face this combo cards in Wild and they are able to generate multiple Liadrins so they get a handfull of the Divity cards to play and keep getting 12 to 21 attack minions without issue.

Again not saying the cards need to be nerfed into the ground, but i do think they should cost something to play rather than being mana cheated out for zero cost. Maybe even increase their cost of mana since there are already plenty of ways to lower their cost. So instead of the starting at 4 mana increase it to 5 or 6 to slow them down alittle and keep them from getting bounced back into a players hand each turn.

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