Let's play a game

Lets play a game where you take cards from first 5 years of hearthstone and change them to be current power levels.

Sword of Justice - 1 mana 1/5 weapon, after you summon a minion give it +1/+2 and lose 1 durability

Fiery War Axe - 2 mana 4/3 weapon, minions you summon gain Taunt

Truesilver Champion - 3 mana 6/4 weapon, Lifesteal

Southsea Deckhand - 1 mana 2/1 charge pirate, if you have a weapon equipped, gain +2/+1

Consecration - 2 mana spell, deal 2 damage to all enemies this turn, twice

Righteous Protector - 1 mana 1/2 taunt, divine shield

Mustered for Battles - 3 mana spell, equip a Sword of Justice, summon 4 Silver hand recruits, then give your silver hand recruits +1/+1

Tirion Fordring - 6 mana 6/6 Taunt, Divine Shield, Lifesteal, Deathrattle: destroy the bottom 6 cards of your deck, your opponent dies in 6 turns

Holy Wrath - 5 mana spell, Draw your highest cost card, deal that much damage

I didn’t intend for this to be all Paladin except that one warrior card lol. But I feel like this is a good start for how the game might look had cards from the past kept up with current power levels. Now lets hear from some of you all!