Lets keep the rants going

Seriously if you arent playing a DK deck you are committing HS suicide this is so umbalanced its not funny !!! and what about the poor warrior class for the last 3 expansions I have not made a warrior deck why? its not friggin worth it

If you are going to charge people money to buy decks for the love of god make the decks with equal chance of beating each other this witout doubt is the worse expansion i have ever played and I have played since the very start

Blizz get your act together becuase you are a disgrace right now!!!


Play control priest. They have more value than Blood dk and can survive against Frost. The only real bad match up is Pally. Which you will queue into Pally non stop once you make the switch, but we knew bad match up are an obvious part of the game.

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When you titled this “let’s keep the Rant going” you meant it.

There sure are a lot of Karens on this forum.

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well its seems Blizz is listening because the next patch coming out DK class is being nerfed yes thats correct the whole class, 3 cards will be nerfed and 25 cards 7 of which is from the warrior class will be buffed

Kudos Blizz you are listening to your customers…respect

Do you still give them respect now that we know the patch did nothing?

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Lets do it buddy enough is enough. Ima go karen with you.

There is no excuse for this Blizzard! Im about to boycott D4 cause of this!!

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It’s all about the money. If they balance things fairly they won’t make as much. Greed rules.

Except you can play Frost DK for free, so the class doesn’t make them any money.

And thus one of the main reasons you see it a lot.

so you think im a karen its further from the truth, I am a paying customer I work 5 days a week 8 hours a day i really dont have time to play 24/7 so as a paying customer if I see something is wrong I am going to complain, keybord warriors like yourself always call people names behind a screen but never face to face…why is that?

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This game has been broken by all the expansions, now all relevant decks aim to end by round 6 tops… everything else is obsolete, just played 10 games…this game has lost its fun, what else is there to say, yall have fun, id give u my dust n cards if i could cuzbim done here

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You’re a racist.
20 Char

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Excuse me? Do you even understand the meaning of the word? You have some serious issues if you think that I am racist.

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Technically, the term is more sexist but it has come to have more specific racial undertones as it has been applied to women of one specific race.