Let us buy reroll tokens with gold (1k?)

They are basically a currency in themselves. They dont make much of a difference
(make them let you “discover” 1 of 3 instead of just full random and they might b useful)
And they are temporary (unlike the cosmetics). I cant imagine they really sell that well anyway given how near useless they are.
Just let us use gold on them too

1000 IGG?
No thanks. Considering the battlepass people get a free one each game it would be nice to be able to get them for 250 IGG.
Even if they were cheap as chips people would burn a bunch of gold to be able to keep up with the p2w players and make BG more competitive instead of just a lucky slot machine.

luck is alot of the fun. I intentionally go for more random heroes for the fun and…randomness. (Master Nyugen, Sire whats his face, etc) Not knowing whats gonna happen next is part of the fun
and yep I get a free one each game. Worth it. Just wish they’d fix the fact the rerolls are default hero skins
AAnyway, I said 1000g just to make it more likely. Blizz doesnt want to give us anything for free. Making the cost high enough might still let ppl with too much money blow cash on nthem instead.
But yea sure 100g 250g is more reasonable for most of us.
I think it was really cheap of them to give us the # they did for the battlepass. 2 here, 3 there? gone in 1 round lol.
Another nice option would be give us a token instead of the gold for going beyond the rewards track.

There has to be a balance between making money, and keeping your f2p players. If many of the og fodder f2p players leave because the imbalance gets too wide, the p2w players (who care about rank) are going to start feeling the burn from more equal game play. If I could roll new heros every game for free I know without a doubt my win chance would go up.

I get that blizzard needs to make money, but I am sure that they make tons of money from people buying packs, skins, and passes. Throw the f2p players a bone. Without us they will have to run a lot more bots and cater to a lot more paying disgruntled customers.

Your idea of tossing tokens to players who go past the reward track in BG is solid. Incentive is addictive.

preachin to the choir man.
They make tons of the store in WoW too, yet they still charge $15 a month… and then willy nilly not let you play your own stuff for weeks at a time.
They dont care. People keep paying. The only opinions and votes these companies care about is the vote you make with your wallet, and not enough people do it anymore.

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i’m not paying 1000 g for a reroll token. i dont pay anything to reroll. i just leave the match and requeue if i get absolutely terrible options. and many people are like this. thats why averagely there are only 6 people in battlegrounds because 2 always leave because of their terrible options.

Rerolling should be free, maybe with a daily limit. because leaving is free and having to many leavers absolutely destroys the fun of battlegrounds

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Just throwing out an idea man. Yes im aware people just leave and reque. I do it myself. Still a waste of time.
If you are like me and only play BGs, what else you gonna do with the gold?

Idk you would have no need for gold anyway. but in my opinion rerolls should be free. and works like rerolling quests. you only can do it so many times per day. instead of trying to milk players for their money and gold.

I guarantee you if a reroll costs 1000g people still are going to leave. a reroll isnt worth the price of 10 packs of cards. especially for people that also like to play normal hearthstone sometimes. but even for people that only play battlegrounds. 1000 g is alot. you will run out of gold in no time if you only play battlegrounds

Good idea. But like I already said above, I just threw that # out there as an option. Better 1000g than not able to buy them (or anything) with gold at all
That’s why the 1k was in () and ?
I dont see why people would leave if it was 1000g. They are * gold and instead $ right now and ppl dont leave

Are you implying you don’t lose rating?

are you implying rating gives you anything wich makes it worth caring about rating?

maybe if battleground ratings gave something like normal hearthstone ranks maybe people would care about it. but it gives you nothing, nada, zil, zero. And its not like skill matters in battlegrounds since its so heavily rng dependent. So what point is there in caring for your rating? its just a mode you do for fun.

The goal of the game is to win, and winning is directly reflected on rating.

Sorry for literally playing the game with its officially intended goal.

Theoretically you can play football to lose, but that’s not the goal.

you can win just fine without giving a damn about rating. in fact you can win more often if your options arent garbage and you dont got the p2w options to get more heroes options or rerolls

since you compared it to football. If the opponents get to pick a team from a group of super atletic men, and you only to get the option to pick from wheelchair bound elderly grannies. you can play to win how much you like but it doesnt matter you have a extreme disadvantage.

its the same with battlegrounds. why waste your time when you can just go for the next match you actually do stand a fair chance. there is no fun in fighting a nearly certain loss, and rating isnt worth anything in battlegrounds

Your mistake is that you don’t get the Rating is PART OF THE GAME. The game is Hearthstone Battlegrounds and if you win or lose the Rating is adjusted and reflects your overall performance.

Besides: even without that: conceding is a loss so you basically lose the game even if Rating didn’t exist by conceding.

its an irrelevant part of the game if you dont care about it. Dont try to force your view of fun on other ppl, lol. Sheesh.

Nice hypocrisy. You and your friend try to convince me it’s wrong to care about Rating.

If we are going to both try to convince each other: the Rating matters.

If the Rating doesn’t matter then the wins don’t matter,

in that case: nobody should try to win at all.

I’m not trying to convince you of anything. It’s a fact.
Dont try the apples/oranges comparison with me bud.
You were trying to tell us how the game is ‘supposed’ to be played (like people in WoW saying “omg its not about pvp its about completing questz”
IDC how you play, pretend rating matters. But dont tell us we have to.

lmao seems we are friends now even tho we have been disagreeing before