Let me know what you all thin me about this deck

Just modified the Excavation Warlock deck into an XL deck.

Multiple ways to win and control.

Use Amorphous Slime to summon ‘Khan. Use Reanimator to resummon her with reborn. Use one of the four cards to send Reanimator back to your hand then summon her again and again. Potentially 28 damage with life’s real at the end of the turn, without attacking.

imo seems mana intensive and slow. is weak to mass silence and removal. nerfed snake is long run more efficient and not too much more mana. but i’m no expert, i could easily be missing somethng.

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It’s a normal excavation deck with that stuff added to it. Still can do the snake trick.

fair enough. doesn’t sound bad in that context. as an alternate win-con it could work. real question is what did you remove to add the package? and. did the removed cards have more common use cases than what you added. if what you took out was redundant, or unhelpful against what you are facing, then it probably is an improvment.

Removed none. Made it a 40 card deck to add to it.

interesting, does the extra win-con help with the loss of consistency from +10 cards? have you tried it in the mirror yet?

I am not entirely sure what the mirror is. What is that?

against same/similar deck. i.e. 30 card excavation warlock. or other variant of your build.

Oh yeah I’ve played two and won both. Even with them summoning the snake.

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nice, you might be onto something. if you want to give an update after some more games, i’d be curious if it sustains, and climbs well. probably gonna get a balance patch this week. it might get better. good luck.

So far I’m 13/15. What’s your battle tag. We can play on casual.

ogrebattler11750 if yawanna add me