Let’s Address Multiplayer Specifically

It’s crazy to me that at this point, people are just so used to OTK’s and board wipes that nobody is talking about how a majority of decks are either:
A) play minions and attack face
B) play spells and aim face
There’s no board engagement anymore unless it’s a full board wipe and everyone might as well be playing solitaire. It’s wild that we’re so used to it that there’s no choice but to do the same thing back. There aren’t any counter strategies and everything has just become one big mid game battle.
Buff all your cards and on turn 5/6, they’re dead
Cheat a bunch of mama and on turn 5/6 they’re dead
Spam a bunch of minions and spells and by turn 5/6 they’re dead
If we’re going to complain about things not being fun, how about we address the part where, if we wanted to play solitaire, we’d yank out a deck of cards. I came to play Hearthstone, and it isn’t this fun, engaging, thoughtful game anymore, where you can play stupid stuff and have a good time, even when you lose. This used to be that, but I guess we lost that identity when we decided to pool resources into a cosmetic with the same price as a new expansion bundle.


That’s a loaded statement. There’s a lot of detailed board interaction. If you don’t see it a lot it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist all the time.

Can you give me a SPECIFIC scenario - literally deck list and timestamp - where the game WAS “fun, engaging, thoughtful” and ALSO NOT “play minions and attack face” or “play spells and hit face?”

Because the entire point of the game is to cause your opponent to lose, which means reducing their health to zero, which means face. Like, I get it, RNG and discovery and “tsunami x eleventy one” and not everyone is here for that. I get it. It’s okay to complain. You’re allowed to do that.

I just think the rhetoric is more tolerable for us, and more cathartic for you, when it’s honest. Framing it like you did here, “platitudes-this” or “people are sheeple” that, you’re gonna get nothing but california sass in response and that won’t help anyone.

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So you’re always trading randomly? How long do you play this game? You should know those things if you want to teach people.

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Usually when people complain about “solitaire play” or “interaction,” what they are actually complaining about is that they can’t force their preferred strategy. Their opponents have the possibility of stopping whatever it is the complainer is trying to do, and what the complainer really wants is for their opponents to not have the agency to clear their board so they can play their buff cards or whatever.

If the game really was solitaire, then you’d have no excuse for losing.


Depends on the context. If someone plays Tsunami I consider that trading randomly. Which is entirely why I asked for specific context - a deck list , and a time stamp.

His claim is hitting face with minions or spells is antithetical to “fun, engaging, thoughtful.” Citations are needed or else he’s just generalizing from tilt.

Yeah it might be that type of egotism, combined with lack of awareness that good trading is still extremely impactful in the game. The current meta has things like “summon 7 minions for yourself and then turn the entire board into random legendary minions some of which have rush and deathrattles”; good luck calling that lack of agency on trading; it’s very often the most impactful part of those matches.