Lessons to be learned from the Dust debacle

“best I can do is a free golden classic pack”

I love how you ignored it takes months to fix toxic decks/gameplay. But the second there is an exploit the players can take advantage of patch that up right away.

You’ve had 26 posts literally just saying Blizzard can do no wrong. You are the Alex Jones of the Blizzard forums.


Lol, thank you for saying this, seriously. Some people just can’t tell their own stuff stinks unless others point it out to them.

Most recent Hearthstone patch issues could have been solved the same way. {Basic communication} The Dark moon faire battle pass. The mysterious stranger stealth nerfs. Here we are with a major dust debacle. Just talk to the community {ahead of time} and not after community outrage.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m fairly certain it was fixed in a matter of hours, not two days. I received almost 15,000 dust and it was gone later that same day. :confused:

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I fail to see the exploit though. As far as i understand, Blizzard wrongfully gave accounts incorrect dust numbers. There isnt anything exploitable here.

It’s still the same basic gist. Mysterious stranger got stealth nerfed if anything positive happens to community. PATCH it now.
I love the actual hard workers of Blizzard but sometimes it’s not easy to be a fan.

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If you complain to them you’ll be punished even when they screw up and take more dust than they gave.

There are no hardworkers at blizzard. Just lazy thieves.

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EXPLOIT EARLY AS POSSIBLE AND FAST. That’s how it always worked. Sadly i missed that bug…heh

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stealth nerfed ? im pretty sure they told us how they changed it