Less MMR in BG if you win while someone gets KOed by Kel

This is a fairly common situation that I see in BG.

There’s 4 players left, I face off against the guy with the 2nd best board, he kills nothing (or almost nothing) and gets domed for 40 and gets sent packing. The other 2 players both survive their combat. Next combat is me knocking out whoever I face, and the other player getting knocked out by Kel. In this situation I get around +70 mmr instead of +100 mmr if the other guy survived his match with Kel and I knocked him out the next round.

This doesn’t make a lot of sense, since if someone can’t even beat a dead guy, they’re obviously going to lose to me if there was a final combat especially when I was the one who KOed the guy who they couldn’t even beat. I play a “first or last” style where I go for the most broken meta build (of 108 top 4 finishes, 73 of those are 1st place) so it’s not uncommon to knock out 1st place in a single combat once the damage cap is lifted. And then whoever subsequently faces them often loses since they had best board besides me in that game.

So you think because both 2nd and 3rd place lost on the same round where you won, you deserve the same mmr or more than if you had faced them in a way that played out where you eliminated one then the other, forcing a 3rd and 2nd placing on separate rounds?

The odd player out of your last turn of combat lost to the Ghost they faced, or maybe they just bailed, forcing them to take 3rd place by default since they werent’t eliminated by the living winner of the round that you also eliminated your opponent defaulting you to 1st place. I dont see the logic in this scenario giving you the same rewards than if you actually had needed to play until there was only 1 other player left to walk away as 1st Place.

Also there’s the scenario where the odd one out didnt take 3rd place at all, and lost to the ghost less than your opponent lost to you. If you had overkilled them to a lower negative health total than the odd one out had been taken to, you took out 3rd place, and the ghost took out 2nd place, giving you 1st by default without a round of there ever being only 2 players left standing to determine the winner. So this alone is most likely what occurred to you as the math would probably work out as why you didnt earn the full 100mmr, as you didnt defeat the 2nd place player (worth more in terms of mmr value to be awarded) but instead you took out 3rd place (not worth as much as 2nd place is for mmr).

1st place should be first place, if someone else loses to kel it doesn’t diminish the fact you came in first.

MMR is in part determined by the MMR of all players in the lobby. If you play against players who are well below your MMR level, you will receive less rank compared to how much you’d get for playing someone with the same or more. Also, depending on your rank, you receive less and less for top finishes. I think around 7.5k I started seeing +0/-X/+5-10 for fourth and sometimes on third as I progressed higher through the ranks.

All this makes more sense than simply because they faced the dead guy. Dead guy could’ve been playing a scam comp you were lucky against for example. Even when on a dead guy’s board, scam can, well, scam. Again, just an example. I don’t think you received less MMR because of it.

It’s easy to see the logic, but it’s hard to agree with

I can agree to this take lol.