Less hammer, more chisel

Blizzard Stop with power Creep. It makes the game NOT FUN. Instead of Finding 101 ways of ending a game in 5 turns. Start coming up with more nuanced ways of expressing each classes specialty instead of just giving everyone a giant face cannon.

I would suggest new hero powers within the classes that are dictated by portrait.

Example: Priest currently heals two to any target with base portrait. Perhaps another portrait would enable heal 1 to all friendly minions while taking face damage for each amount of healing done. Or, heal a character for 1 health and self for 1 with a different portrait.

Allowing for more complexity within the scope of the class would be much for fun than just vomiting face dam cards.

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When the devs’ only programming tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

They have specifically stated they want games to be under 10 minutes so faster decks will always be a thing.