Leroy can attack 3 times if you give it windfury

I got beat by a paladin who had buffed Leroy to 15dmg. He went face, THEN on the same turn after the first attack gave Leroy windfury/divine shield and was able to attack another 2 times, so 3x attacks on the same turn (you just have to attack face first THEN put windfury on to get the other attacks).

You will need to provide proof on that, because I have never seen that and I play Leeroy in my Paly deck.

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I just tried to recreate this against the innkeeper, and it did not work, so yes a replay or something would be needed to further investigate

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False… what is up with all of these stupid posts claiming hacks or stolen cards lol … ppl really this dumb?

I played against a roge who played shadowstep like 20 times.
Thjere are only two shadow step cards yet they had an endless supply.
Also I have played against druids who play one gain armor card after another. there are only two these cards but they play like 4 of them or more.

Was this in wild? There is a card that gives minions mega windfury.


No, it can only attack 2 times per turn with windfury

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No matter if you put the windfury immediately or after attacking the first time, you only get to attack twice in total.

Besides, if Leeroy had 15 attack, you would be dead after 2, and the 3rd attack definitely wouldn’t be possible since you’re dead. Game over. Go next.

Ever heard about armor ?

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There’s a 91% chance the OP wasn’t playing Warrior and a 100% chance Leeroy didn’t attack 3 times in the same turn.

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I main warrior, I have nearly 8000 wins with warrior as it’s the only class I play(been playing since first week game released and after the mage tutorial I picked warrior).

Well hopefully what ever caused Leroy to attack 3 times was a rare unknown bug with certain effects. But I know this game well, paladin played Leroy, went face, then on the same turn Leroy got windfury/divine shield (after the initial first attack), and then went face 2 more times totalling 3x attacks. I don’t know paly class so I didn’t recall if he gave Leroy windfury or a random spell/effect caused it. But that it what happened, I know because I was there lol.

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It didn’t happen. Sorry.

Shroomscavate will no longer give windfury, so this topic is probably moot


It did happen, grow up and don’t assume someone is lying, why would I even lie about that lol, what do I get out of it?. I reported it in bugs too. Literally as soon as it happened I said “another bug blizzard let slide”, went straight to bug forum and posted what had just happened. So you can say it didn’t happen all you like, it just shows what a moron you are you believe you know every single exploit bug in this game when clearly you don’t. it happened lol.

I don’t think you’re lying. You probably turned your head on the other side for a moment and saw wrong or something.

I spam this game a lot. I’ve played 600 games in the last 10 days. Such bugs don’t happen in this game.

No this was in standard. I only play standard since it released. I saw theres a card currently in paly in standard that gives windfury/divine shield, like I said though I don’t know what other interaction happened to cause it. You go face before putting the windfury on, then give Leroy the spell and he attacked twice after the first charge attack.

Unless there’s a mechanic/spell paly had that forces a minion to go face without you doing it(as that doesn’t count as you attacking, like battlecry cards that attack as soon as you play a minion).

And it doesn’t matter as the patch notes says they’re removing windfury from it.


Well, there are still ways to get/summon cards from the past in standard. There is a low probability of getting the RNG for certain outcomes but it is still possible.

Did they use ultra windfurry?

Hmm that’s a possibility, I play standard but as someone else said, there’s cards that allow you to discover cards from the past. But yeah I guess if there’s a chance to get mega windfury that could be the answer

Fasten your seat belt, bucko. You’re in the HS forums now.

Wait until the conspiracy theorists get bored of or frustrated with the game and come here. So many possibilities.