Legends of Runeterra

Have you tried Magic The Gathering: Area?

Ever since United in Stormwind came out… I’ve just flat out haven’t been playing HS.
The way its looking, I doubt I’ll ever play HS again…
I still come to the forums now and again to find the status of the game… wishful thinking I suppose.

Magic The Gathering: Area… is a well designed game, in my opinion.
Come over to the darkside friend, and download Area.

In LOR when you toss cards from your deck, you can’t discard champions, so it can be seen as an upside.
Then you have a lot of strong effects that triggers only if your deck is almost empty.
And finally, there is a cards that puts back all the tossed cards that costed 4 or more.

HS “no deck lock” has only 2 pay off cards: 1 mana 6/6 taunt (lol) and 3 mana 3/3 lifesteal deal 6 damage.
If you toss them, you are left with naruu, literally one card that can be tossed as well and doesn’t win the game in 2 turns.
Meanwhile you damage yourself with fatigue damage and die faster than the opponent.

Also, nautilus is a 7 mana 13/13 (20 is the hero’s health), that can’t be stopped by weak units (so it goes face everytime, unless you sacrifice a good stated unit).
Ticketus is a 6 mana 8/8 when you have 30 health, way weaker imo.

In HS, when Ticketus burns 1 good card it seems OP, but you can still draw other win conditions, while in LoR Maokai destroys every champion (or legendary card) in the deck.

I miss playing that deck, maybe I should play LoR again :joy:
It seems like an OP mechanic, but it’s slow (not like the demon seed in wild) and it’s interactive (until you basically win by upgrading Maokai, which can be seen has a quest)

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Deep decks are my achilles’ heel (I have a lot of those). Just died to another an hour ago. I wouldn’t say ‘Deep’ by turn 6 is slow by any means. I’ve never died to Maokai, just the onslaught of 7/7 minions with bonus effects for Nautilus’s discount. It honestly just feels like warlock in Hearthstone at the moment but with the possibility of rushing them down a bit more effectively.

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It’s probably flagged because it’s against Blizzard TOS to advertise another game. If Blizzard doesn’t want us to talk about other products maybe they should fix their own games . {try Slay the Spire} It’s also why Asmongold got shade from wow developers after leaving WOW for final fantasy 14.

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(why am I surprised ? I too left wow with this terrible “afterlife” expac… the funny thing is that I called it out right on the very first week of its release and ppl were telling me how stupid I am … well… I guess I’m not stupid anymore ? :stuck_out_tongue: )


I am not playing the game since last year; maybe the deck is now fast, I don’t really know.
When it was first introduced I think it was slow

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That’s fair; in hindsight they had some particularly good draws! But it was definitely impressive how they burned 25 cards in a handful of turns. Seemed like a fun deck in all though.


I have a deep deck with both Nautalius & Maokai, its a fun deck but is like a tier 2 or 3 deck, its not top tier.

I think it just takes players in the lower ranks by surprise because its a ‘old’ deck from quite a few expansions back.

I 99.99% kill my opponents from direct damage even if I trigger Maokai off. Ultra rare I win by no cards to draw in enemy deck.

HS Tickatus is far more ‘unfair’ and horrible if your opponent does it to you.


Does this same problem exist in LoR with other players keep doing this?

Yes, I have played a lot of different ccgs and it exists in every single one!


wow you are winning with deep??? I am using poppy jarvan as anti meta deck… quite effective again nami and tf deck but gets crushed against discard midrange… I am at diamond currently and have around 70% wr… I’ll provide the deck link if you want… have fun good luck.

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I haven’t played enough to know what the meta is but I’ll happily take that deck link! Poppy was my favorite champion and the first I unpacked. Funny aside, my favorite champion (Poppy) and my favorite Warcraft III character (Maiev) have the exact same statlines in their respective card games (and were also the first legendaries I ever unpacked).

I wish I could use Maiev nowadays but she’s not enough for two flesh giants…

which card is it?.. …


and if you want a tutorial: search Mogwai Poppy Jarvan on Youtube

Its a midrange deck and kills and deck that require spells for tempo. Mulligan for Stony Suppressor early game and you’ll win a lot.Have fun!!

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Yes, I think that would be ok. If they manage to discard most of their deck, they deserve the OTK. If the Maokai player manages to play a whole bunch of cards, and toss most of their deck, they deserve a powerful effect - in this case, killing their opponent in a couple of turns.

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What are you guys fighting about anyway? Nobody plays maokai… You’ll see deep once in like every 300 games lol…

Yes! that is the beauty in LoR! you get to see more than just that one Rez deck or w/e deck is now the most OP.

BTW, in the two weeks I’ve been playing LoR I faced like 3 Maokai decks… And I did beat one of them. And it takes forever for them to complete it. So yeah, nothing like the moronic HS decks :slight_smile:

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Yes, he left over a month ago. Technically he didn’t quit, as he’ll hop on to check out new content. But it wasn’t just him. Plenty of other creators said they “quit” WoW too (of course Blizzard getting exposed would make them reconsider)

Fortunately for you, Asmongold has an editor and you can watch anything important that comes from his Twitch streams on YouTube.

As someone who has never played WoW, I watch because he gives really insightful discussions that apply across all games, not just what he is playing.

we will survive even without them!