Legendary Questline

Legendary questline is up (still waiting on America server, probably goes live at 10am PST)

Of note, you can probably just concede your way through these quests for free packs.


I can confirm you can indeed concede your way to the packs. Duels is a bit of a pain but 3 free packs *shrug


9 free packs, yay, thanks
btw, it’s the new year questline but there’s no new year bundle yet? can’t wait for the new skins

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Same. They’re pretty cool.

Is there any chance that they would be purchasable with gold?

not a chance ^^

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Not live yet, there no info on Hearthstone official website about this either.

They will probably throw out the bundle on 2nd February with Anduin’s story (Book of Heroes).

For some reason the quests haven’t started on my account yet. It’s weird as I saw the first quest on my wife’s account and got excited. We both have European accounts.

US Server here, no legendary quests yet, or is it NA server, or whatever one covers USA.

I felt it is a wasted opportunity to build on from last year’s bad vibes.
The blizzard I knew are very particular and good in this aspect…

Quest reset is in 5 minutes or so. So maybe they’ll show up in NA then.

Still don’t have it here. US/NA Server (east cost, to the extent that matters).

Looks like the legendary questline is bugged since some players have reported to have got none, or 1, or 2, or all of them. I did happen to get all three legendary quests since I did them earlier today which net me the six darkmoon faire packs and the three scholomance packs.

https ://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/l8d3nv/happy_new_year_questline_bug/

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Can confirm this is bugged. Got the first one only. |Playing on glaxy s7.

Same here. I finished the first one and nothing else popped up, even after a re-log.

Guess I’ll have to delete a deck I like just to make sure I have 3 daily quest slots available.

Nope. Legendary quests now get their own slot.

How would that translate to deleting a deck anyway?

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Well that questline was legendary indeed. First pack i opened had one.
Wouldve been better if i had that on the last pack.