Legendary Questline

I don’t have any Standard decks and I use all 18 slots.

Any quests here. Not a single one.

On the bright side, you can just keep the code for the deck, concede 5 standard ladder games before you even mulligan, get your three packs and put the deck right back.

“just afk or quit your way through the quests”.

This is the attitude of gamers these days lol its kinda sad.

If you’re not a fan of the mode, sure why not?

Not every single aspect of the game is goinf to appeal to every single player.

I did. Zero interest in duels.


I remember when you couldn’t get rewards in games without doing what was required. None of this “you can just quit the match right away and it will count” nonsense. No shortcuts. Now it’s all instant satisfaction.

Im speaking gaming in general. Not just hearthstone.

Lucky you. I did the BGs one then never got the next quest.

People complaining about having to play BG or duels to complete the quests; meanwhile, I don’t have any quest yet :frowning:

Apparently there was a Tweet on the Chinese HS account saying that the quest wasn’t even supposed to be out yet.


Really. I did three: play a BG, play five duels, play five standard ranked.

As highlighted above, we weren’t supposed to get any of them, while some got differing amounts. I’ll get the remaining two quests when the event actually starts.

New features…
Leaked adventure/expansion
Leaked BP
Leaked Legendary Quest :grin: