Legendary cards should only be able to be played ONCE

Blizzard could go a long way to stopping lopsided games from happening by making it so all legendary cards can only be played ONCE. You can’t copy them or resurrect them or anything that involves playing it more than once.

Probably pointless to suggest this since Blizzard ignores common things that have been requested since Beta (i.e. a squelch option for everyone).


“Legendary cards should only be able to be played once.”

You can shout that from the rooftops for all of the good it will do you. Try accepting reality, instead.

I love using Muckborn Servant to pull an additional Countess, or two!

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Reality is accepting that as Blizzard adds more and more cards to the game the more lopsided the game will get. It is why the game is on such a decline. When it initially came on the market it was a much more even kneeled game., hence its popularity.

Go troll someone else from your mommy’s basement.

I don’t live in my mother’s basement.

(You know very well that this is an ignorant stereotype.)

You’re the one trolling here.

Agree… I have met a Priest yesterday who managed to get 4 of his titan… really fair…

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is good terrible suggestions like yours are ignored

is the same as saying “murloc holmes creating loopsided games!!”

thats how easy to tell how bad your suggestion is the fact you claimed every single legendary “creates lopsided games”

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It is quite obvious how duplicated legendary cards lopside so many games. No one said all legendary cards lopside the game, but you are obviously one of those people that have trouble with comprehension.

You aren’t doing a very good job at ignoring it by the way. LMAO.

Mountaineer: Almost every post on this board has a negative comment from you, you are the very definition of troll.

you suggested a nerf to all legendaries,…but at the same time you claim you never said all legendaries ???

Considering that there are probably a few dozen regular posters here at best, and that the 300 000 people playing hearthstone dwarfs even the comments people would make to Blizzard devs on twitter, I don’t know how you can come to the conclusion that only being able to play legendaries once is a common request.

No request is a common request, because the overwhelming majority of the player base just enjoys the game without comment.

You aren’t a majority. You are part of a minority that is equally as loud as it is insignificant.

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The only source of additional copies I have a problem with is Discover. Bouncing, copying and resurrecting all tend to require deck restrictions in order to pull off assuming such actions on legendary cards are the desired purpose.

Discover just happens. You probably aren’t playing the discover card strictly to generate additional legendary cards. You can discover more legends or even more ways to generate additional copies somehow. Discover also makes it really difficult to play around since you can’t really know how many copies you might have to deal with.

The rest are perfectly fine IMO

Only 4? I just had a match as Priest and I managed to play 5 Titans and had another 3 in my hand still. I was shocked how easy it was to pull off too, although it only really works against control decks. Aggro decks etc. just destroy you if you try to do that against them.

On of the best things I have ever read on this forum.

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Well, at least there is a squelch for the forums … but wait, you aren’t using it?

Otherwise an interesting idea, but seems like a nigh impossible nightmare to code the enforcement in every way and angle that would be needed.

I’m waiting for the loud and insignificant to start calling me a Blizzard shill. :rofl:

not everyone cares so much about what minions say

and not everyone loses their mind over some speech balloons

You don’t need to be an a$$. Community in a game makes a difference too.

I’ve been called a shill many times.